Thomas Blakk Filo PVC Clutch: Futuristic Failed

Sassy Rodriguez

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Thomas Blakk Filo PVC Clutch: Futuristic Failed

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Thomas Blakk Filo PVC Clutch: Futuristic Failed


It is well known that people tend to be afraid of something that is a little bit different which is why you tend to find simple and classic designs on the market, they are safe options and who can blame the designers for this move. But there must be a middle ground, a level between just plain nice and absolutely crazy, although, one person’s crazy is another person’s haven. Where would you place this creation from Thomas Blakk? Is it a truly genius idea representing the space age or is it a literal representation of something that is “out there”?

First off, it is a small fortune for a PVC bag; PVC is usually seen as a cheap and tacky material, it is sweaty and gets unbearable to touch in the sun although to give this bag it’s due the rocket type feet on it makes it ideal for standing up. You can’t really deny that; the amount of times you go in to you bag and have to put down your drink so you can hold it with both hands whilst trying to fish something out from its depths; this bag you could do it all one handed! The PVC quilt pattern however does look more like tacky diamonds.

The thing that probably lets this bag down the most though is the style, futurism is not exactly the height of fashion at the moment; it would suit a high end fancy dress party down to the ground like Heidi Klum’s renowned Halloween party. It is extremely reminiscent of something the “alien jumpsuit chicks” would wear in Dude Where’s My Car? So there are possibilities. But unless you wear black or silver pretty much all of the time then you might find it hard to match with your wardrobe. At Luisa Via Roma for $636.


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