How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories

After months of guessing, rumors and gossiping about when Chanel will increase their Replica Shopping, it finally happened in the end of May 2017. This post is an extended edition of the Chanel Price Increase Report 2017. The hike in Replica Shopping only occurred in Europe, but is that good news when you’re living abroad like in … Read more

The Ultimate Saint Laurent Sac De Jour Bag Review

Saint Laurent Sac de Jour Bag thumb

The perfect French name for the perfect French Bag; introducing the Saint Laurent Sac de Jour Bag. Sac de Jour is a fabulous name for an iconic bag and in French it literally means the ‘Bag Of The Day’. It’s been said that this bag is Hedi Slimane’s take on the classic birkin shape, it’s … Read more

Chanel Pre-Fall 2017 Seasonal Bag Collection

Chanel Métiers dArt 2016 17 Paris Cosmopolite 14

Chanel Click Label Shoulder Bag Style code: A93702 Size: 18 x 26 x 10 cm Price: $3600 USD, €3300 euro, £3090 GBP, $27000 HKD, ¥422280 JPY, ¥25500 CNY, $4350 CAD It’s that moment of the year again; a new Chanel collection has been released. It’s time to shop and spree all your favorite handbags. The … Read more