How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories

After months of guessing, rumors and gossiping about when Chanel will increase their Replica Shopping, it finally happened in the end of May 2017. This post is an extended edition of the Chanel Price Increase Report 2017. The hike in Replica Shopping only occurred in Europe, but is that good news when you’re living abroad like in … Read more

The Ultimate Givenchy Antigona Bag Review

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  You’re about to get spoiled, because this is the ultimate guide to the Givenchy Antigona Bag. And because of our never-ending bag obsession, we will be chit chatting about every detail possible, starting from the history and sizes to the leather quality and the Replica Shopping. This is a great read if you’re considering buying … Read more

Valentine Bag Ideas 2017

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Looking for the perfect Valentine Gift? Well, let’s start with this: ‘Every girl loves bags’, but not every bag makes a girl smile. So which one should you choose then? Allow us to help you with that! 1. Chanel Trendy CC WOC Chanel Trendy CC WOC Style code: A80982 Size: 4.8′ x 7.6′ x 1.4′ … Read more

Yves Saint Laurent Cherry Bags

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Generally for this season, we do not advice wearing black accessories. But there are moments for exceptions, especially when ‘Cherries’ are involved. The longer you stare, the deeper you fall. The Saint Laurent Wallet with Golden Chain is gorgeous. And I still prefer the traditional YSL logo, which is not only chic but it also … Read more