How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories

After months of guessing, rumors and gossiping about when Chanel will increase their Replica Shopping, it finally happened in the end of May 2017. This post is an extended edition of the Chanel Price Increase Report 2017. The hike in Replica Shopping only occurred in Europe, but is that good news when you’re living abroad like in … Read more

Shopping with V Lai: Chanel Small Chevron Flap Bag

Chanel Chevron Flap Bag thumb

Chanel released an unique piece for the Spring Summer 2017 Collection Act 1 – a brand-new Chanel Chevron Flap Bag. Besides the Chevron Quilting, this bag is embellished with an distinctive part-hardware and part-leather CC logo. V Lai purchased this bag in Neiman Marcus for $2800 USD, she saw it in red as well as … Read more

Chanel Camellia-Embossed Small Bag Collection

Chanel Camellia Embossed Small Bag Collection thumb

Hello, ladies! Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the Chanel Camellia-Embossed Small Bag Collection, a dainty and feminine approach to bag design. If you’re the classic gal with a taste for great patterns and textures, then you’re in luck today! Chanel Camellia-Embossed Key Holder Style code: A82334 Size: 3.9’ x 4.3’ x … Read more

Small Chanel Boy Chained Tote Bag For Fall Winter 2015 Collection

Small Chanel Boy Chained Tote Bag For Fall Winter 2015 Collection thumb

Ohhh, what do we have here? A beauty at its finest, and for now we don’t know any details about this fine piece of leather (but of course, we’ll give it to you straight once we get insider info soon!). The Small Chanel Boy Chained Tote Bag is a real winner when it comes to … Read more