Goyard Anjou Reversible Tote Bags

Goyard Anjou Reversible Tote Bag thumb

Reversibles are here to stay, ladies! Goyard Anjou has developed quite an innovation with the release of their line of reversible totes. The designs they have in store for all of us are quite stunning, and are set to give us more of our money’s worth with every purchase. Imagine having two different designs for … Read more

The Postman Dreams Prada Galleria Bag

The Postman Dreams Prada Galleria Bag thumb

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh-3Fk-lSyA&w=745&h=419] The humble postman is still dreaming, he wants to cuddle the Prada Galleria Bag instead of a boring-squared package. But we can understand that – holding the Galleria Bag gives you a good night sleep. We should get some at Prada boutique. Four of the five videos are starred with the Galleria Bag … Read more