A Closer Look: Celine Phantom Bag for Fall Winter 2015 Collection

A Closer Look Celine Phantom Bag for Fall Winter 2015 Collection thumb

If we talk about iconics, then every brand has a bet the Classic Flap and Boy Bag from Chanel, the Speedy from LV, the Baguette by Fendi…well, the list goes on. And in the case of Celine, the Phantom is but one of the most sought-after pieces in the history of fashion. And why … Read more


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The Temptation Of Hunting Designer Bags: Once You Start, You Cannot Stop…

Chanel Celine Prada Shopping Paris thumb

Owning a designer bag is a dream for every girl – it’s like wearing clothes, without one will make you feel naked. But there’s also a trap, you see, designer brands make you feel like you’re hunting for a bag, but the truth is: ‘they are actually hunting you’. I call it: ‘The Domino Effect’, … Read more

Hermes Bourlingue Shoulder Bag

hermes bourlingue shoulder bag red

‘A Sporting Life’ is the famous phrase for Hermes latest collection and clearly there’s a meaning behind the line. And I would love to adjust the words to ‘A Sporting Chic’ because that’s what Christophe Lemaire’s spring summer 2013 is all about; filled with sporty and elegant ambience that captures the interest of every modernist. … Read more