Does Louis Vuitton increase Replica Shopping every year? No, it does not happen every year. And the Replica Shopping do not go up as aggressively as Chanel or Hermes. But they do increase steadily to catch up with inflation. The Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere Bag was priced at $1,115 USD at launch in 2011. Today the price is $1,960 USD. The price has increased by 75%. But the Speedy Bandouliere Bag is made from canvas, which is a cheaper material than leather. Maybe leather bags will go up in price much faster. Let’s check the Louis Vuitton Capucines Bag, which is made from calf leather and is more expensive.
The Louis Vuitton Capucines Bag price is $7,450 USD in 2024, but in 2012, the price was $5,150 USD. That’s a price increase of 45% in 12 years. So is Louis Vuitton a good investment? Yes, it’s a good investment, but not the best. I mean, the bag looks gorgeous, you can collect it, wear it, and over time it becomes more valuable. But it does not increase in price as aggressively as some other designer brands. However, some of Louis Vuitton’s handbags are also cheaper than, for example, Chanel or Hermes. You can get an iconic designer bag like the Speedy Bandouliere, Neverfull, Noe, or Alma Bag below $2,000 USD.
Table of content
1. Louis Vuitton Bag Price 2024 Reference Guide
So far, I have not seen a Louis Vuitton price increase in 2024. For the past five years, I have seen Replica Shopping go up almost every year, so I think the next one is just around the corner. I have gathered and listed the updated Louis Vuitton bag Replica Shopping in 2024 for the most popular bags. Louis Vuitton will definitely get more expensive in the future. It’s not only because of the brand name but also because production costs are going up—think of the material and labor costs. Louis Vuitton also needs to keep up with inflation, right?
Type | Price (USD) | Price (Euro) |
Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 25 Bag in Canvas | $1,820 | €1.550 |
Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 30 Bag in Canvas | $1,890 | €1.600 |
Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 35 Bag in Canvas | $1,960 | €1.650 |
Louis Vuitton Neverfull PM Bag in Canvas | $1,960 | €1.450 |
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Bag in Canvas | $2,030 | €1.500 |
Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM Bag in Canvas | $2,100 | €1.550 |
Louis Vuitton Alma BB Bag in Canvas | $1,760 | €1.500 |
Louis Vuitton Alma PM Bag in Canvas | $1,960 | €1.650 |
Type | Price (USD) | Price (Euro) |
Louis Vuitton Noe BB Bag in Monogram Canvas | $1,620 | €1500 |
Louis Vuitton Noé Bag in Monogram Canvas | $1,960 | €1600 |
Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Bag in Monogram Canvas | $5.700 | €4800 |
Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Bag in Epi Leather | $5.700 | €4800 |
Louis Vuitton Twist PM Bag in Epi Leather | $4.450 | €3500 |
Louis Vuitton Twist MM Bag in Epi Leather | $4,700 | €3700 |
Type | Price (USD) | Price (Euro) |
Louis Vuitton OnTheGo PM Bag in Monogram Reverse | $3,100 | €2440 |
Louis Vuitton OnTheGo MM Bag in Monogram Reverse | $3,100 | €2440 |
Louis Vuitton OnTheGo GM Bag in Monogram Reverse | $3,250 | €2550 |
Louis Vuitton Capucines BB Bag in Taurillon leather | $6,750 | €5900 |
Louis Vuitton Capucines MM Bag in Taurillon leather | $7,450 | €6400 |
Louis Vuitton Pico side trunk in Monogram Canvas | $3,300 | €3200 |
Type | Price (USD) | Price (Euro) |
Louis Vuitton Coussin PM Bag in Lambskin | $4,800 | €2600 |
Louis Vuitton Coussin MM Bag in Lambskin | $5,500 | €2900 |
Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis East West Bag in Monogram Canvas | $2,990 | €2500 |
Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis East West Bag in Monogram Empreinte | $3,050 | €2700 |
Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis East West Bag in Bicolor Monogram Empreinte | $3,150 | €2800 |
Louis Vuitton Dauphine Mini Bag in Monogram Reverse | $3,450 | €2900 |
Louis Vuitton Dauphine MM Bag in Reversed Monogram | $3,900 | €3100 |
Louis Vuitton Dauphine MM Bag in Epi Leather | $4,300 | €3400 |
Key points:
- The Speedy Bandouliere, Neverfull, Alma and Noe Bag are the oldest Louis Vuitton Bag
- The Petite Malle, Twist and OnThego Bag are one of the most popular bags right now
- The Capucines Bag is the new icon of Louis Vuitton, the price is expensive but they’re all made from leather
- The Pochette Metis Bag is becoming famous very quickly because it’s both beautiful but practical as an everyday bag
2. Louis Vuitton Bag Replica Shopping Over The Years
Louis Vuitton bags go up in price slowly but steadily. The price remained quite stable before 2012. It was not until 2013 that the price of Louis Vuitton bags started to increase rapidly the Speedy Bandouliere 35 Bag went up by more than 20% that year. Between 2013 and 2019, Replica Shopping continued to surge by an average of 7% per year. I think this is due to inflation as Replica Shopping of goods have been rising worldwide. But no one could have foreseen what happened in 2020, Louis Vuitton increased Replica Shopping by 18-30% in a single year, marking the fastest price surge in its history.
In 2020, the Bandouliere 35 bag went from $1,660 to $1,960 USD, an 18.1% price increase or $300 USD. It might not seem like much, but the Bandouliere 35 Bag is cheaper because it’s made from Canvas. The Louis Vuitton Capucines PM Bag jumped from $5,600 to $7,450 USD a 33% price increase, adding $1,850 USD to the new price. The Capucines Bag is made from leather and is therefore more expensive.
Between 2011 and 2024, the Replica Shopping of Louis Vuitton iconic bags have gone up by almost 76%. I think the trend will continue over the next 10 years. Replica Shopping will only increase faster than in previous years because calculated in percentage, it’s easier to double the price if the bag is more expensive. It took 13 years for the Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 35 Bag to go from $1,115 to $1,960 USD. But it will only take 5-6 years for the same bag to go from $1,960 to $3,000 USD. We think this trend will happen quickly. The Louis Vuitton bag Replica Shopping in 2024 is the floor, it will only go up higher from here.
For leather bags with high price tags like the Capucines Bag, they will increase much more slowly. As a designer brand, you don’t want the Capucines Bag to go from $7,450 to $13,000 USD too quickly because $13,000 USD is a very competitive price range. There are many alternatives and better investments in $13,000 USD handbags like Chanel or Hermes. However, we do think Louis Vuitton will reach that price point because other designer bags will also increase in price.
Louis Vuitton bags are a good investment because they hold their value well and even increase in price over time. The pre-owned market is full of Louis Vuitton buyers, and you can demand a higher price for your bag if it’s still in good condition. If you want a safe bet, you can buy a classic bag that has been in the Louis Vuitton Collection for a long time like the Speedy, Alma, and Noe Bag to name a few.
I think the cheaper Louis Vuitton bags will increase in price much faster than the expensive ones. This is because it’s easier to do so, and people will still buy them. At the current moment, Canvas Bags are still well-priced. However, we hear rumors that Louis Vuitton wants to limit the availability of Canvas Bags and introduce more leather handbags, which are more expensive options.
Key points:
- Louis Vuitton’s major price increase started in 2013; on average, bag Replica Shopping went up by 8.4% every year
- In 2020, Louis Vuitton bags surged by 18-30%, which is the highest increase in a single year
- The Speedy Bandouliere 35 Bag price went up by 76% in 13 years and I believe the trend will continue
- The Capucines PM Bag price increase was 45% over 12 years; the expensive handbags will go up more slowly in price, while the cheaper ones will experience faster increases
- Louis Vuitton bags are excellent investments because they hold value and become more expensive over time
- There is high demand for Louis Vuitton Bags in the pre-owned market; you can easily sell them
- Buy the iconic bags if you want to be safe, such as the Speedy, Alma, or Noe Bag
- Canvas Bags might become limited in availability in the future because they are cheaper and have more demand
3. Where is Louis Vuitton Cheaper in Europe?
In Europe, Louis Vuitton is the cheapest in Greece and Finland. It’s not because of the price, but due to the high tax-refund claim. In both Greece and Finland, you can get 25% sales tax back.
The Louis Vuitton Replica Shopping in 2024 are the same in almost every country in Europe. It’s because these countries uses the “euro” currency and it make sense to have the same retail Replica Shopping. But within Europe, each country has different VAT (also known as Value Added Tax). VAT is the same as sales tax and these can be refunded if you’re are a traveler. The higher the VAT, the more money you can get back. The country with the highest VAT is the cheapest place to buy Louis Vuitton Bag.
Greece and Finland has the highest VAT with 25%. Then Italy, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands come to the 2nd spot with 21 – 22% VAT. France has 20% VAT, which is also not bad.
It’s not recommended to buy Louis Vuitton in the United Kingdom, because it’s very expensive. Also, the tax-refund program has been abolished since 2021, so you can’t claim tax-refund and will have to pay the retail the full retail price.
Switzerland is not on the chart, but I can confidently tell you that the Replica Shopping are almost the same as in Europe. They have a VAT rate of 8.1%, which is very low compared to other countries. Thus is also expensive to shop Louis Vuitton bag in Switzerland.
I still think Paris and Italy are the best options, despite that Greece has the highest VAT. It’s because Paris and Italy have more stock and choices because there are more boutiques. Louis Vuitton is cheaper in Italy compared to Paris because you can get 1% more tax-refund. But 1% doesn’t make much difference. The most important is that the bag you want is not out of stock. If you are lucky enough to find your bag, just by it.
Key points:
- Greece and Finland are the cheapest places to buy a Louis Vuitton bag, but they have low stock
- Both Italy and France are the best locations for shopping at Louis Vuitton because of the lower Replica Shopping and high tax-refund opportunities
- Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands has 21 to 22% VAT, they’re the 2nd best places to go
- It’s also expensive to shop in Switzerland compared to other European countries
- The most important objective is to find your favorite bag, if you go to another country, they might not have the bag in stock
4. Where is Louis Vuitton cheapest in Asia?
The cheapest countries in Asia to buy a Louis Vuitton bag are Japan and Korea. In both countries, you can get a 10% tax refund. Surprisingly, the price in Australia is only slightly higher than in Japan and Korea. India has the highest tax refund.
Louis Vuitton is most expensive in Malaysia; however, you can get a 10% tax refund. Singapore and China come as the 2nd most expensive places in Asia to buy Louis Vuitton. Even though Hong Kong is a tax-free city, the price of $2,136 does not make your wallet happy, the retail price is expensive.
In general, the price ranges between $1,900 and $2,300 USD. The price cut also depends on the VAT of that country. When the price is lower, the discount is less. It only becomes more significant if you’re looking for a more expensive handbag like the Louis Vuitton Capucines Bag. In percentage terms, the discount can be more than $1,000 USD.
Key points:
- Japan and Korea are the cheapest places to buy LV in Asia
- Louis Vuitton in Malaysia is the most expensive in Asia
- Buying Louis Vuitton in Hong Kong is not recommended because the price is high and there is no tax refund
- The more expensive the bag, the higher the tax refund you get
5. Which Louis Vuitton Bag Is Classic?
There are a lot of Classic Bags, but the Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag, Louis Vuitton Alma Bag, and Louis Vuitton Noe Bag are the oldest. These are the brand’s most iconic items and the safest bet if you want to buy for long-term investment.
#1: Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag
Launched in 1930, the Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag is one of the oldest handbags in the fashion world today. Designed to carry by hand, traditionally refined with Canvas, this bag is still incredibly famous.
But you shouldn’t confuse it with the Speedy Bandouliere Bag. The Speedy Bandouliere comes with a shoulder strap, while the original Speedy can only be hand-carried. The Speedy Bandouliere Bag was launched much later, in 2011. It’s the upgraded version of the Speedy Bag. However, both bags are good investments because they’re both popular.
#2: Louis Vuitton Alma Bag
The Louis Vuitton Alma Bag was released in 1934. This bag is almost 90 years old and is one of the iconic bags of the house. You can’t go wrong with the Alma Bag, especially in Canvas or Epi Leather. Both materials are incredibly strong and durable, guaranteed to survive another 100 years. The price has also gone up very fast recently due to the price increases.
#3: Louis Vuitton Noe Bag
Originally created to carry champagne bottles in 1932, the Louis Vuitton Noe Bag is just 2 years younger than the Speedy Bag. This drawstring bag is very useful and can fit a lot of essentials, even a notebook if you pick the GM size. This bag is one of the house’s iconic treasures.
6. List Of Popular Louis Vuitton Bags 2024
There are a lot of Louis Vuitton bags that are popular right now. When a bag gets popular, it usually stays in the permanent collection for a long time. Here’s a list to consider, I will include the average costs for a Louis Vuitton Bag in 2024:
Bag | Price (USD) |
Louis Vuitton NeoNoe Bag | $2,300 $3,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton KeepAll Bandouliere Bag | $1,820 $2,600 USD |
Louis Vuitton Artsy Bag | $2,500 $4,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton New Wave Chain Bag | $2,710 $3,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton Favorite Bag | $2,980 $3,300 USD |
Louis Vuitton Graceful Bag | $1,760 2,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton Felicie Pochette Bag | $1,490 $1,800 USD |
Louis Vuitton Pochette Accessories | $745 $1,500 USD |
Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories | $2,620 $3,300 USD |
Louis Vuitton Palm Springs Backpack | $2,440 $2,900 USD |
Louis Vuitton Boite Chapeau Bag | $2,710 $5,300 USD |
Louis Vuitton Montaigne Bag | $2,780 $4,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton Croisette Bag | $2,000 $2,200 USD |
Louis Vuitton Locky Bag | $2,230 $2,400 USD |
Louis Vuitton Cluny Bag | $2,230 $3,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton Sac Plat Bag | $1,520 $3,350 USD |
Louis Vuitton Montsouris Backpack | $2,910 $3,500 USD |
Louis Vuitton Papillon Bag | $2,570 $3,000 USD |
Louis Vuitton Vanity Bag | $2,840 $3,300 USD |
Louis Vuitton Grand Palais Bag | $2,780 $3,800 USD |
Louis Vuitton Kirigami Pochette | $745 $900 USD |
Louis Vuitton bag keep releasing new bags every month. It’s hard to keep up, but we do our best. Go back to “Louis Vuitton Page” to see what’s the latest news.
Say “Hi” or ask any questions in the comments below.
7. FAQ
Because it requires a lot of craftsmanship to produce a Louis Vuitton handbag, regardless the size. It’s not that a small handbag is faster to make, because it still requires the same quality control and work. Sometimes a smaller bag is more difficult to make, because more detail to attention is needed. And on top of that, Louis Vuitton is known high quality materials.
Louis Vuitton come with a high price tag because of the unique patented material they use, like the Monogram Canvas and the superior high-quality leather. Also, their years of expert craftmanship, unique and exclusive design combined with their decades of reputation as the high-end fashion designer originated from France. All of these elements make Louis Vuitton an expensive brand. Carrying a Chanel Bag represents a certain status in the society. More over, each bag is carefully crafted by skilled artisans and refined with the finest material that comes with a guarantee that you will be enjoying it for years to come.
Louis Vuitton products are generally cheaper in Italy and Paris than in the US. The price difference is in average 30%. The Replica Shopping of Paris and Italy are almost the same. This is obvious because both countries are using euros.
Louis Vuitton in Germany is cheaper than in the US, especially if you are eligable for tax-refund. It’s not only Louis Vuitton, but also other French brands like Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Chanel, and Dior are generally lower-priced when purchased in Europe. That’s why everyone loves to shop in Europe instead of the US.
For cheaper Louis Vuitton purchases, you need to go to Milan or France. In Florence, you might be able to buy Louis Vuitton at 20% lower price. The Louis Vuitton store in Kuala Lumper is located at Starhill.
No it’s not. LV is more expensive in Korea. In fact, all luxury goods that are imported to Korea comes with a higher price tag, even when you deduct the sales tax. The Replica Shopping in Korea are almost the same as in Japan and China, but still better priced than in US or Hong Kong.
Both Dior and LV are expensive. LV tends to outshine Dior because they have more expensive products. Louis Vuitton does have a more range of choices than Dior, from cheaper to high-end expensive products and handbags. However, do not underestimate Dior, because Dior products always start with higher Replica Shopping. They do not sell cheaper handbags.
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