Is Louis Vuitton Better Than Chanel?

Sassy Rodriguez

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Louis Vuitton

Is Louis Vuitton Better Than Chanel?

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Louis Vuitton

Is Louis Vuitton Better Than Chanel?


Recently there have been a few complaints about the quality of the Chanel handbags. It’s custom that Chanel increases their Replica Shopping, but it seems as if the quality of the bags have descended. The leather on the Chanel Flap bags has changed apparently. Some customers are saying that the leather on their bags is dull and lacking luster and shine. They say the new look, looks cheap. Yet, the Replica Shopping keep increasing. The question most are asking is: Where is the profit going, if the quality of the handbags is decreasing?

Meanwhile, Louis Vuitton handbags have held on to their long standing popularity. Some LV bags to note are the Neverfull and the Speedy bags. These bags are just gorgeous. The Neverfull and Speedy bags cost around $600-$800 USD. The Chanel Flap bag costs ranges from $5,000 to $6,000 USD. The Louis Vuitton bags are six times cheaper in price.

This insane price difference has to do with the reputation of the brands, though. Chanel has been designing and producing handbags for a very long time. Through the years Chanel handbags, as well as the entire Chanel brand, has gained an immense following. So, no matter the quality of the bag Chanel will always be reputable.

Anyone would be willing to spend $5,000 on a Chanel handbag if they had the money. However, if it were up to quality then the $800 LV bag would be best. Now, the demand and price rest solely on the fame of the designer.


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4 thoughts on “Is Louis Vuitton Better Than Chanel?”

  1. Another reason why LV bags such as the speedy and the neverfull are so much cheaper is because they aren’t even leather….only the handles are..


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