How To Spot A Fake Chanel 2.55 Bag From Scammers?

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel, Shoulder Bags

How To Spot A Fake Chanel 2.55 Bag From Scammers?

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Chanel, Shoulder Bags

How To Spot A Fake Chanel 2.55 Bag From Scammers?


It really baffles me that fake Chanel handbags are sold everywhere online. It’s so easy to search for fake Chanel bags and have them pop up on eBay. Most of them look exactly like the authentic Chanel bags. However, don’t be tricked. The only place you can buy an authentic, brand new Chanel bag with a %100 guarantee is from a Chanel boutique.

Scammers have tried their hardest to replicate the authentic Chanel bags, but they will never come close to real thing. The production process of a Chanel bag is extremely costly, so it’s less likely for scammers to do it right. This is the reason why scam artists don’t put much effort into the designing the bags just like the real ones. All they are after is a quick buck, and making the bag cheaper contributes to that, if the bags actually sell.

Is It Worth It to Pay $2,000 For a Fake Chanel Bag Online?
Really, is it? Are there any downsides? Well, you could end up paying $2,000 for a fake bag. Or, you could consider purchasing a secondhand Chanel handbag. The problem with that route is that there is a possibility that you could still purchase a fake. If you do purchase happen to purchase one, and the Chanel boutique cannot identify it then it is, indeed, a fake bag. That would be the worst feeling knowing you paid thousands of dollars on a Chanel bag that is not authentic.

So, I guess, purchasing Chanel on the internet is not the way to go. If you’re already set on spending thousands of dollars on a handbag why not save a few more thousands for the guarantee of purchasing a fresh, brand new Chanel 2.55 reissue bag. But if you really insist on purchasing a Chanel 2.55 Reissue Bag online here a few tips to consider.

Is Your Chanel 2.55 Reissue Bag Real?
One thing to consider is that fake Chanel bags can never be a complete replica of the real bags. Why? Because Chanel’s creation and production process is one of a kind, and it’s extremely costly. When buying online, NEVER rely on the pictures.

1) If the price is pretty low on the bag, then it’s most likely too good to be true. The Chanel 2.55 Reissue is a pretty expensive bag. My two year old bag, that I paid $2,500 for, can easily be sold to a consignment store for about $3,000? So, why would anyone in their right mind sell their authentic Chanel 2.55 for $500 on eBay?

2) Before making the transaction, ask for the card of authenticity. This is only a little extra reassurance that you’re walking into a legit purchase. If the seller cannot produce the card then the bag is most likely fake. However, still be vigilant if the card is produced. There are some crafty scammers out there who also make replicas of the authenticity cards. Usually the fake cards have a gold trimming around the edges, so be on the lookout.

3) Ask the seller for the serial number. One the scammers haven’t figured out is how the Chanel serial numbers work. If the seller refuses to provide you with the serial number then the bag is most likely fake. If the seller does provide you with the serial number double check it with the list below.

The serial numbers indicate when a Chanel 2.55 Reissue is being created. Here’s how to test the seller.

Try to match the serial number with the year of the initial purchase that the seller provides you with. If they tell you that the bag was bought this year, but provide you with a 5XXXXXX digit number then he/she is lying. The only Chanel bags with that type of digit were produced from 1997 to 1999.


Final, Most Important Tip
This tip is for all of those who actually go through with purchasing a Chanel bag online. If you have purchased a fake bag, get your money refunded. I know this may seem impossible, but it’s not. If you bought your bag with a credit card, then everything should be just fine.

Credit card companies take fraud very seriously. If you called and told them about your situation it would be easy for you to file for a refund. I actually know from personal experience. There have been a few times where I purchased fake bags online, and within a few days I received the refund.

Credit cards are the best way to purchase online because the companies investigate the matter immediately. Paypal is an okay choice, but they aren’t too vigilant like credit card companies. So always be mindful to use your credit card when purchasing, but that doesn’t mean walk blindly into an online purchase.


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Pictures courtesy of: Fake Chanel bags @blogspot

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