How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories


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How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories

How Chanel Mercilessly Increased The Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags And Small Accessories

chanel-woc-price-increaseAfter months of guessing, rumors and gossiping about when Chanel will increase their Replica Shopping, it finally happened in the end of May 2017. This post is an extended edition of the Chanel Price Increase Report 2017.The hike in Replica Shopping only occurred in Europe, but is that good news when you’re living abroad like in Australia? Not at all! You see, Europe is a popular shopping place for high fashion goods. People all around the world go to France, Italy, Spain and Germany to purchase iconic handbags from Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton and so on. There are several reasons:1. First it’s the experience. Buying your favorite handbag in a romantic and fashion city like Paris is like a dream come true. 2. You can take advantage of the tax-refund. Tourist can claim up to 14% tax-refund from the retail price, which feels like getting a bargain comparing to your own country.3. Regardless of the tax-refund, the retail Replica Shopping in Europe are still cheaper than any country.So now that the Replica Shopping in Europe went up, what does it mean for your wallet? BEFORE the PRICE INCREASE, the Chanel M/L Classic Flap Bag was priced at €4260 euro, which is $6587 SGD (as per 20 June 2017 currency conversion). The price for this bag is $7090 SGD at the Chanel boutique in SingaporeNow let’s calculate the new price. The Chanel M/L Classic Flap Bag is NOW priced at €4480 euro and that is $6931 SGD (as per 20 June 2017 currency conversion). What big difference!

The New Replica Shopping Of The Mini Bags

In our previous Chanel Price Increase Report, we mentioned that only the Replica Shopping of the iconic handbags went up. However, we never talked about the Mini Bags like the Mini squared Flap Bag or the WOCs. They’re important as well because they have the same level of popularity. We can conclude that the Replica Shopping of these mini accessories have gone up as well. But the real question is how much in euro’s and in percentage. And is it still worth chasing? Well let’s cover them here:

New Chanel WOC Replica Shopping In Euro’s

StylesNew Replica ShoppingPrevious Replica Shopping
Chanel Classic Quilted WOC€1865 euro€1740 euro
Chanel Boy Classic WOC€1980 euro€1850 euro
Chanel Trendy CC WOC€2410 euro€2250 euro
Chanel Reissue 2.55 WOC€2010 euro€1915 euro
Chanel Camellia WOC€1795 euro€1675 euro
Chanel Futuristic WOC€1800 euro€1800 euro

Differences in Euro And in Percentage

StylesDifference in euro’sDifference in %
Chanel Classic Quilted WOC€125 euro7,18%
Chanel Boy Classic WOC€130 euro7,03%
Chanel Trendy CC WOC€160 euro7,11%
Chanel Reissue 2.55 WOC€95 euro4,96%
Chanel Camellia WOC€120 euro7,16%
Chanel Futuristic WOC€0 euro0%

The Chanel Classic Quilted WOC, Boy Classic WOC and the Reissue 2.55 WOC are all part of the classic collection and most of them went up by 7%. Only the Chanel Reissue 2.5 WOC was spared and was increased by 5%. The WOCs are less expensive than the larger Classic Flap Bags because they’re much smaller. But the larger Classic Flap Bags only increased by 5%, so the 7% increase for a WOC is quite a lot.The Trendy CC Tote Bags as well as the Flap Bag version and the Bowling Bag version didn’t increased in Replica Shopping. So it’s quite surprising to see that Chanel has excluded the Trendy CC WOC. The Trendy CC WOC is now 160 euro more expensive and it’s the biggest increase of them all in terms of euro’s. Other seasonal WOCs like the Chanel Futuristic WOC didn’t hiked in Replica Shopping at all.

The Replica Shopping Of The Chanel Small Clutch With Chain Went Up

©CHANELNow let’s talk about another popular mini shoulder bag; it’s the Chanel Clutch With Chain. This mini bag is very comparable to the Chanel WOC, but less expensive. Let’s see whether they’ve increased in Replica Shopping as well:

New Small Clutch With Chain Replica Shopping In Euro’s

StylesNew Replica ShoppingPrevious Replica Shopping
Chanel Small Clutch with Chain€1460 euro*€1390 euro
Boy Chanel Small Clutch with Chain€1525 euro€1450 euro
*estimated Replica Shopping

Differences in Euro And in Percentage

StylesDifference in euro’sDifference in %
Chanel Clutch with Chain€70 euro*5,04%
Boy Chanel Clutch with Chain€75 euro5,17%
*estimated Replica Shopping
Chanel didn’t take it easy on us. The Replica Shopping of the Chanel Small Clutch with Chain are now around €70 euro more expensive, which a hike of approximately 5%. However, they’re still quite affordable for a mini timeless bag. For those that have already turned their back on the WOCs, perhaps this is a better option. So keep your Chanel dream alive!

The Replica Shopping Of The Chanel Wallets Went Up


New Chanel Wallet Replica Shopping In Euro’s

StylesNew Replica ShoppingPrevious Replica Shopping
Chanel L Flap Wallet€935€890
Chanel L Flap Wallet (foldable)€885€840
Chanel Small Flap Wallet€695€660
Chanel L-Yen Wallet€770€730
Chanel Zip Around Wallet€945€900
Boy Chanel Yen Wallet€825€785
Boy Chanel Long Wallet€940€895
Chanel Classic Card holder€285€270
Chanel Classic Keyholder€515€380

Differences in Euro And in Percentage

StylesDifference in euroDifference in %
Chanel L Flap Wallet€455,06%
Chanel L Flap Wallet (foldable)€455,36%
Chanel Small Flap Wallet€355,30%
Chanel L-Yen Wallet€405,48%
Chanel Zip Around Wallet€455,00%
Boy Chanel Yen Wallet€405,10%
Boy Chanel Long Wallet€455,03%
Chanel Classic Card holder€155,56%
Chanel Classic Keyholder€13535,53%

Well then, how about the Wallets? Unfortunately, they have met the same fate like the Classic Flap Bag and the Small Clutch with Chain. All of them became 5% more expensive. While 50 euro is not really a lot if you compare it to bigger handbags, but these are small leather accessories wallets. Why pay more if you could have got them for less?Another astonishing price increase that we’ve discovered is the Chanel Classic Keyholder, which is a cute mini coin wallet with a key ring on it. A few months ago, when we wrote an article about it, the price was €380 euro. And today? It’s retailing for €515 euro. Jaw-dropping Replica Shopping!So beware for the next price hike, Chanel will continuously punishing those who procrastinated. Let’s us know your thoughts in the comment.Also Read:

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