Rouge Vif, Rose Pourpre, Vermillon
Rouge Grenat, Bordeaux, Rouge Pivoine
Bordeaux, Rubis, Rouge Casaque
Brique, Geranium
Rose Sakura, Rose Candy, Flamingo
Blue Agate, Turquoise, Blue Saint-Cyr
Blue Atoll, Blue Paradis, Cobalt
Blue Paon, Blue Zanzibar
Vert Vertigo
Crevette, Orange, Orange Poppy
Capucine, Bougainvillier, Feu
Rouge Tomate
Noir, Prunoir, Blue Glacier
Raisin, Etoupe, Gris Asphalte
This is so helpful, thank you. Would be great if you did one for the textures too!
On the to do list
Is this not the texture: