Last night I was having a chat with a friend of mine. We were talking about designers, and she told me that she was ascending the ladder to the next level. To add to the dramatics, she was referring to upgrading her next handbag purchase. She plans on purchasing a Hermes bag next. Her ‘go-to’ bag is a Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag. She also owns a few more Chanel Flap bags including the PST, GST and she also has a 2.55 reissue.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard references to certain handbags as levels. Apparently, there is a level between Chanel bags and Hermes bags. So I have a question: Do you ladies opt to buy Louis Vuitton because Chanel, Balenciaga, and Hermes are extremely pricey?
A popular Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag ranges from $600 to $800 USD. Meanwhile, a Balenciaga bag costs around $2,000 USD and a Chanel bag costs around $4,500 USD. A Hermes bag is the most expensive out of these brands, costing upwards of around $10,000 USD. So do you see how the bags can be referred to as being on levels?
What are your ladies’ thoughts about this? Do you buy LV due to the extreme Replica Shopping of Hermes, Balenciaga, and Chanel?
Last night I was having a chat with a friend of mine. We were talking about designers, and she told me that she was ascending the ladder to the next level. To add to dramatics she was referring to upgrading her next handbag purchase. She plans on purchasing a Hermes bag next. Her ‘go-to’ bag is a Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag. She also owns a few more Chanel Flap bags including the PST, GST and she also has a 2.55 reissue.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard to certain handbags as levels. Apparently there is a level between Chanel bags and Hermes bags. So I have a question: Do you ladies opt to buy Louis Vuitton because Chanel, Balenciaga, and Hermes are extremely pricey?
A popular Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag ranges from $600 to $800 USD. Meanwhile, a Balenciaga bag costs around $2,000 USD and a Chanel bag costs around $4,500 USD. A Hermes bag is the most expensive out of these brands costing upwards to around $10,000 USD. So do you see how the bags can be referred to as being on levels?
What you ladies’ thoughts about this? Do you buy LV due to the extreme Replica Shopping of Hermes, Balenciaga, and Chanel?
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If you compare a leather lv bag with other designer bag, you’ll see that they’re more expensive than a couple of them..
So it’s depends on what you want and what you need.
This blog is silly. I have a birkin, kelly, a vintage Chanel classic flap and plenty of LV. Which brand do I continue to go back to because of style and durability? LV. You pretty much can’t go wrong with their 3 classic canvases and the Epi line. You could literally brush those up against a cement wall and it still looks new. I only wear my Hermes when I’m shopping and only wear my Chanel for formal occasions. Also, don’t buy a bag because you think you’re going to resell it and get your money back. Yes, Chanel and Hermes return value quicker, but just like any investment- what goes up must come down.