Last night I was having a chat with a friend of mine. We were talking about designers, and she told me that she was ascending the ladder to the next level. To add to the dramatics, she was referring to upgrading her next handbag purchase. She plans on purchasing a Hermes bag next. Her ‘go-to’ bag is a Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag. She also owns a few more Chanel Flap bags including the PST, GST and she also has a 2.55 reissue.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard references to certain handbags as levels. Apparently, there is a level between Chanel bags and Hermes bags. So I have a question: Do you ladies opt to buy Louis Vuitton because Chanel, Balenciaga, and Hermes are extremely pricey?
A popular Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag ranges from $600 to $800 USD. Meanwhile, a Balenciaga bag costs around $2,000 USD and a Chanel bag costs around $4,500 USD. A Hermes bag is the most expensive out of these brands, costing upwards of around $10,000 USD. So do you see how the bags can be referred to as being on levels?
What are your ladies’ thoughts about this? Do you buy LV due to the extreme Replica Shopping of Hermes, Balenciaga, and Chanel?
Last night I was having a chat with a friend of mine. We were talking about designers, and she told me that she was ascending the ladder to the next level. To add to dramatics she was referring to upgrading her next handbag purchase. She plans on purchasing a Hermes bag next. Her ‘go-to’ bag is a Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag. She also owns a few more Chanel Flap bags including the PST, GST and she also has a 2.55 reissue.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard to certain handbags as levels. Apparently there is a level between Chanel bags and Hermes bags. So I have a question: Do you ladies opt to buy Louis Vuitton because Chanel, Balenciaga, and Hermes are extremely pricey?
A popular Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag ranges from $600 to $800 USD. Meanwhile, a Balenciaga bag costs around $2,000 USD and a Chanel bag costs around $4,500 USD. A Hermes bag is the most expensive out of these brands costing upwards to around $10,000 USD. So do you see how the bags can be referred to as being on levels?
What you ladies’ thoughts about this? Do you buy LV due to the extreme Replica Shopping of Hermes, Balenciaga, and Chanel?
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I have LV´s in epi red and green noe, palermo pm,speedy,pochete ,agenda etc. and medium limited edition lambskin flap 2.55 medium in chanel , I also have balenciaga first in white/beige ..just my opinion on hermes , maybe when I´m old and earned a lot of money , I would buy one
Wow, that will keep you sweet for a while =)
LV’s quality is really good and my LV wallet that I have used for more than 10 years and I have a 7 years old bag that still looks like new. I bought an EPI glossy finished black alma bag last autumn and I have stopped buy any LV cos I don’t fancy any new styles that they have. Time for changes. Just bought a GST and medium flap is next. Birkin will be few years later when I am older.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for sharing this with us. I am really glad you tried other bags and bought the GST. I think you will really love the classic medium flap, it’s difference than the GST. Do you have in mind which one you are going to buy?
Lambskin or caviar?
Black or other colors?
Medium , black with GHW, however I still not decided the type of the leather. I tried both lambskin and caviar bags today but still can decide it although they didn’t have the lambskin in GHW in stock. The SA mentioned that the Carviar will loose its shape later but not lambskin one it even confused me more and sohard to decide it and I wish I could afford two in different skin. Anyone has experience with their caviar medium flap loose shape few years later? I would like to get the bag ASAP before price increasing! This.
Helen, apart from the shape. I think you need to think over what kind of bag you want:
an everyday use lambskin bag can torn your bag apart in a few years if you are not carefull enough. I mean not literally torn, but that it will get damage more quicker when using more often. There are always days when you are in a hurry and accidentally $@$@ your bag.
Caviar is more durable, no doubt. I think you notice the difference when you touch both bags.
Question is: how often are you going to use your Chanel?
Secondly, lambskin can lose it shape too if you stuff too much things inside. Whether a bag lose shape depends on how much love you got for your bags. I have a caviar for a two years already, no shape issues so far. But I don’t use it too often.