With every purchase that I make, I always look forward to what I am actually receiving in return. It could range from a $10 blouse from H&M or a $50,000 Mercedes-Benz. To know the true value of an item is extremely important; not enough people express this quality. It’s saddening to end up with an item whose quality doesn’t match its high price.
The Replica Shopping at Chanel have been on the rise over the past few years. It hasn’t been a light increase either. Instead of raising just a few dollars or tens of dollars, Chanel Replica Shopping have increased by the hundreds. These price increases happen bi-annually and sometimes even three times a year. It’s a wonder, how and why they keep doing it.
With the ever increasing Replica Shopping, what do you expect to receive in return? Does the quality of the increased price bag, surpass that of the bag that was produced two years ago?
I’m not so sure, but the more costly the bags become the more ladies want to purchase and wear them. As a graduation gift, one of my friends received a Chanel bag from her boyfriend. She couldn’t believe it. She was just crying with tears of joy and excitement. That was probably the best gift he could have purchased for her. And I have never seen her cry before; that just goes to show the impression that Chanel has on us.
I’m not sure about others, but when I invest thousands of dollars on a Chanel handbag I expect something in return. I want more than just the “CC” logo on a fine leather bag. If that was all I was after, then I would just purchase an accurate looking fake Chanel for thousands less than the authentic.
Why Purchase Real Chanel?
It’s all about QUALITY. Trust me, Chanel over delivers when it comes to quality.
Chanel handbags are increasing in price because each bag is created individually giving it its own identity. All Chanel consumers should expect ultimate, perfect quality in every aspect of the handbag.
Perfection should be included in the package of purchasing a Chanel handbag even after the production of the bag. Customer service, delivery, and overall customer experience should be flawless. Considering that Chanel handbags costs thousands of dollars, every aspect of the company should be up to par.
However as of late, the quality of Chanel has decreased—a lot. It’s quite saddening because I’m crazy about Chanel. It’s a shame to see one of my favorite brands to be falling off when it comes to handbag quality.
Another friend of mine recently purchased a Chanel Maxi Blue Fonce Flap Bag. When it came in the mail, she discovered that there were a lot of mistakes made in the creation/production of the handbag. It didn’t take long for us to figure it out when we did a side by side comparison to my Chanel bags.
The main differences lie in the “Chanel” and “Paris” label that is attached on the twist-lock plate. Instead of reading in the same direction, they were opposite from one another. And it gets worse; the twist-lock plate was not bilaterally equal.
I suggested that the bag be returned. My friend was a bit apprehensive about returning the bag, because she anticipated having it so much. Maybe it was just a simple mistake made by the Chanel craftsmen. Overall, I hope she gets another one of proper quality.
So tell me, do you have any issues with your Chanel handbags? Any differences in quality? I want to know if anyone has 2012 edition of the Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag. I want to compare it with the 2007 edition. What are your thoughts about Chanel losing their superior quality?

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I have recently purchased a m/l classic flap from Rue Cambon boutique during my holiday and sadly to say that I am really disappointed at the quality of Chanel craftsmanship. After reaching home, I found the stitching of the flap is not sewn properly into the bag as the opposite side of the bag. It looks as if the corner part of the leather is just not insert properly during the sewing process which causes the side to stick out at the side of the bag now. Worst part is the side leather has peeled off and I haven’t even use the bag! I am truly appalled at the quality of this so called premium brand Chanel. The bag is not cheap and this purchase is truly the biggest regret of my life! I own bags from Prada, Gucci, Tods and Burberry and in my honest opinion, these brands have better quality than Chanel. Chanel is OVERRATED!!!
Hi! The craftmanship is the most essential for identifying a real bag from the fake. I am sorry to heat about this, did you take your bag to Chanel?
Hi Cynthia,
I’ve contacted my local boutique and I will be sending in my bag for checking this weekend.
Hi, great to hear that. Share you experience with us, keep us up to date =)
Just an update on the bad customer service that I’ve received from Chanel KLCC, Malaysia. I was told to wait for 2 weeks for them to highlight the quality issue with their so called QC team and they’ll revert to me. It’s been almost 2 months now, no reply whatsoever. I did ring them up twice and they are ignoring my calls now. No one is returning my calls. For goodness sake, I’ve spent more than 4000 euro on a bad quality bag and in return to be treated like this. Seriously NO MORE CHANEL!!!
Hi! I suggest you contact the customer service head office as soon as you can. Send an email here: http://www.chanel.com/#contact
Thanks Cynthia. I’ve made my complaint at the same website link earlier but ended up being directed to the local boutique at KLCC. I really do not know what to do now since the store manager did take a look at my bag and he too agreed that my bag is with quality issue. I would make peace with the bag if it didn’t cost me so much but the price of this bag is not on par with the quality and customer service that I am receiving now. I’m really disappointed with CHANEL!!!
What kind of bag is it? And what year did you buy it? I really understand that you’re disappointed, but the most important is that your bag is fixed. Did the manager, after agreeing that its the quality issue, promised to fix the issue?
Dear Cynthia, just a final update on my classic flap. The boutique manager apologized for overlooking on my report and I just received an exchange piece today due to the model being out of stock earlier. All is well now and I am extremely satisfied with the customer service provided by the KLCC boutique despite all the problems that I encountered since the day I highlighted the quality issue to Chanel.
I am glad your issue has been resolved. I also think that your not-giving-up attitude has made the manager changed his decision. And I don’t think they want to have a bad reputation while they’re a high fashion brand.
Hi, there. I recently bought a chanel le boy rainbow hardware in Paris. I never noticed a loosen stitch until i got home and take a really good look at it.
I am wondering whether i could ask Chanel store to exchange the new one for me.
This is so disappointing from Chanel. The price and the quality doesnt match up.
Hi Alexa, can you let me know when you bought the bag. Because its just recently, you can exchange it. And are you living in Europe btw?