It’s a big topic atReplica Knockoff Luxury Bags , everyone is talking about it.
And we? We didn’t belief it in the first place, but its true and it’s going to happen.
What Chanel is about to do, is like a big typhoon, shaping everything what we consider as common in the shortest time possible.
Well, what is Chanel going to do in 2015?
They are going to be huge changes in Europe and Asia, Chanel is going to restructure their handbag Replica Shopping. So how about that huh?
Chanel will start with our three favourite Chanel handbags, the Chanel Classic flap Bag, The Chanel 2.55 Reissue Flap Bag and the Chanel Boy Bags. The price in Europe will start to increase and decrease in Asia, starting at 8th April 2015.
One of the reasons for the price changes is because of the drop in value of the euro. Chanel bags in some Asia countries are literally retailing twice as expensive as in Europe. And to narrow this gap, Chanel has decided to harmonized the Replica Shopping, and not only the bags, as well as other products as well.
The objective is to get it done in the end of 2015 and that the Replica Shopping will not fluctuate more than 10% below or above the global euro price.
The new policy is already applied, Hong Kong and China Replica Shopping has already ben reduced by 20 percent, while 8th April the Replica Shopping will increase by 20% in Europe.
Here are other comments from our community:
Hi I heard there’s a price increase in Europe for Chanel due to the big drop in value
Chanel’s new Replica Shopping will significantly narrow the gap. The company said that the bag is set to rise 20% to €4,260 under the new policy. The ticket for the same bag in China is set to fall 21% to around 30,000 yuan. Replica Shopping will also decline in Hong Kong, Korea, Vietnam and Russia. Meanwhile, the price in the U.S. will remain unchanged at $4,900. And it’s beginning April 8.
In Australia, we had a price decrease to match the rest of the world. Replica Shopping to increase globally except Australia on 1st April 2015.
The VAT will make europe cheaper, but not as cheap as in the past.
I called Chanel KLCC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia….No price decrease here… (as per 19 March 2015)
Hi, just rung chanel store in perth Australia. The Chanel WOC quilted leather both cavier and lambskin is now $2560 due to the harmonisation. Price has decreased.
Brazil will not change in Replica Shopping, because of the high export taxes.
Chanel Price Increase Estimates:
Chanel Square Mini Classic Flap Bag
From €1830 to €2250 euro
Chanel Mini Classic Flap Bag (8′ inch)
From €2020 to €2490 euro
Chanel Small Classic Flap Bag
From €3400 to €4100 euro
Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag
From €3550 to €4260 euro
Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag
From €3950 to €4750 euro
Chanel Maxi Classic Flap Bag
From €4300 to €5160 euro
So what do you think? If you’ve got new information, please share them in the comment section.
Hi All,
I was going to get the chevron min flap in May when I visit Paris for holiday. Does any one know if this price increase will affect EVERY bag?
It will affect the three classic bag: the classic flap bags, the boy and the 2.55 reissue. I think the chevron extra mini classic flap bag belongs to one of the classics.
I’m in Rome and i was checking the chanel bags here, the increase will include all bags. Even the simpler one like the shopping tote bag.
I’ll be in Paris in May. Was so excited to get the Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag. Are there any ways to pre-order it and pick it up in may to save myself from the 20% price increase?
Dear KJ,
I asked the SA in Milan, if I could buy the bag now and then just pick it up when it arrived back in stock. And she was not allowed to do that unfortunately. So I do not think you will be able to do that in Paris either. Just spoke to them today, and both the jumbo and medium in caviar with SHW are sold out at the moment.
In May you will probably be able to get it but then with the 20% bump in the price.
In that case the bag just doesnt seem so appealing anymore. It seemed like a bargain to buy in Paris. Anne do you know if they have GST in gold hardware in their inventory list in Paris? Would it also be a 20% increase or less?
Was is Paris this week I didn’t ask for the GST but from looking around in all the Paris store the GST seemed to be in store in all stores getting a classic flap with gold hardwear seemed nearly impossible.
I just called the Paris boutique and Faubourg and Montaigne, they were not allowed to tell me if they have the Classic Flap Bag, they told me I have to come in the store and check myself. When I asked her if theres a possibility I find it she said yes….lets keep our fingers crossed!
Hey Saf, It is funny how their answers differ depending on who you talk to. Cause when I called Chanel Cambon, the SA told me that the Classic flab bag in medium and jumbo where totally sold out in all the shops in Paris. And in Milan and Hamburg they tell me that Chanel are holding back the stock until the 8th of April when the price increase. So if you go after the 8th, there might be a good chance of finding one.
Yes I know, the price increase is insane, and really unfair of Chanel to keep the stock away until the price increase. Sorry, I have no idea about the GST. However you can always call them prior to your visit to hear if they have it in stock or not. And I do not know if that style is going to increase in price, it probably will during 2015, but that’s only me guessing.
Hi anne, by any chance do you have the SA email address in Milan? Pls send me. Thanks
No sorry, but you can look up their phone number on Chanel’s website 🙂