These will be the most precious boxes and handbags that you will get in any Chanel Collection. The Chanel Sets Of 4 Mini’s Bags were the most talked about topic in January when we warned the bag community what was coming.
Imagine a box full of iconic bags; it will be sold-out even before it reaches the Chanel boutique. Despite the high price of around $27000 USD per box, it won’t be a barrier for most obsessive fashionista’s in the world.
But you have to think in terms of an investment. These 4 mini iconic bags that consists of a Boy Bag, Classic Bag, Gabrielle Bag and the Reissue 2.55 Bag are the gems and symbols of the fashion house. They will never go out of style and the Replica Shopping will only go up.
More over, these 4 bags are unique. Why? Because they’re smaller than the New Mini Classic Flap Bag. They’re smaller than the smallest bag of their line.
The box will costs around $27000 USD, cut that in 4 pieces then you will have a price of $6750 USD a piece. But it comes with a big box in diamond quilting. This box is one of a kind and inspired by Chanel’s iconic elements including the CC logo. The box alone is worth more than the retail price.
And we know how the price will skyrocket in the future. All Chanel Bags go up. But now imagine a box of 4 bags that get sold-out in store and you are the only one of the few in the world owning it. How much further will it go up in price?
If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on them, take them home and you will never regret.
The style code is AS1949, the box measures 3.1’ x 12.6’ x 10’ inches. The bags and box is made from lambskin, calfskin and tweed. It comes in both red and pink/red shades.
So the price we have found so far: $27000 USD, 106000 AED, around $48000 AUD.
Let us know what you think in the comment section. And if you have more info, let the community know.
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