The last time we’ve recorded Chanel’s price changes was in May. We’ve written an
extensive report about the new Replica Shopping of the iconic bags like Chanel Classic Flap Bags and the Boy Bags, and we’ve compared them with the old Replica Shopping.Today we’re going to share the price increases of the upcoming classics. These bags are on their way to join the iconic collection of the house. They’ve returned in almost every season because of their popularity. The price increases have affected almost in every country. The price increase is different per country and per product, it ranges from as low as 1% to as high as 10% ore more.“What you need to know is that we post price increases of specific products, which mean that only certain products have gone up in Replica Shopping. If we post about the price increase of the Chanel Trendy CC WOC, it doesn’t mean that all WOCs have increased in price.”
Chanel Maxi Coco Handle Bag with Lizard Handle Price Increase
For those that are not familiar with the Chanel Coco Handle Bag, it comes in 5 different sizes. This version is actually the Maxi size; it’s much taller than the Large size. We compared the Replica Shopping with the previous seasons and came to an conclusion that the new Replica Shopping of these bags were increased in Europe, Singapore, Australia and the highest in China.
The Maxi Coco Handle Bag with Lizard Handle | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Europe | €3990 euro | €3890 euro |
Singapore | $6410 SGD | $6250 SGD |
Australia | $6120 AUD | $5960 AUD |
China | ¥31500 CNY | ¥30100 CNY |
The Maxi Coco Handle Bag with Lizard Handle | Price New Vs Old in % |
Europe | 2.57% |
Singapore | 2.56% |
Australia | 2.68% |
China | 4.65% |
Read more about the
Chanel Coco Handle Bag.
Chanel Business Affinity Bag Price Increase
The Business Affinity Bag is a modern but distinctive handbag. It looks classy, chic and so different than the classic handbags. The Replica Shopping of these bags were increased in Japan and China, but only modest below 2%.
The Small Business Affinity Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Japan | ¥361800 JPY | ¥355320 JPY |
China | ¥22900 CNY | ¥22500 CNY |
The Small Business Affinity Bag | Price New Vs Old in % |
Japan | 1.82% |
China | 1.78% |
Chanel Large Classic Tote Price Increase
The Chanel Large Timeless Bag is very special because it should be ‘the bag’ that replace the Grand Shopping Tote. The Replica Shopping of this beautiful tote bag went up in the UK and Singapore. However, it has decreased slightly with 3% in Hong Kong. UK has the highest price increase of 10%.
The Large Classic Tote Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
UK | £3510 GBP | £3180 GBP |
Singapore | $6020 SGD | $5910 SGD |
Hong Kong | $30300 HKD | $31500 HKD |
The Large Classic Tote Bag | Price New Vs Old in % |
UK | 10.38% |
Singapore | 1.86% |
Hong Kong | -3.81% |
Read more about the
Chanel Large Classic Tote Bag.
Do you want to know more Replica Shopping, check
Chanel Large Classic Tote Bag Replica Shopping.
Chanel Golden Class Double CC WOC Price Increase
What we have not expected is the price increase of the upcoming stars like the Chanel Golden Class Double CC WOC. The price of this bag went up in many countries, but it has increased the highest in the UK, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Canada.
The Golden Class Double CC WOC | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
UK | £1990 GBP | £1690 GBP |
Australia | $3530 AUD | $3220 AUD |
Hong Kong | $18600 HKD | $16700 HKD |
China | ¥18200 CNY | ¥15500 CNY |
Singapore | $3700 SGD | $3180 SGD |
Japan | ¥287280 JPY | ¥262440 JPY |
Canada | $3225 CAD | $2700 CAD |
The Golden Class Double CC WOC | Price New Vs Old in % |
UK | 17.75% |
Australia | 9.63% |
Hong Kong | 11.38% |
China | 17.42% |
Singapore | 16.35% |
Japan | 9.47% |
Canada | 19.44% |
Chanel Trendy CC WOC Price Increase
Another one of our favorite handbag is the Trendy CC WOC because of the chic golden signature plate as well as the classy look. The price went up in many countries, but Singapore, China and Canada have been hit the hardest, by more than 10%.
The Trendy CC WOC | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
United States | $2500 USD | $2400 USD |
Europe | €2515 euro | €2410 euro |
UK | £2200 GBP | £2030 GBP |
Hong Kong | $19800 HKD | $18900 HKD |
Australia | $3700 AUD | $3590 AUD |
Singapore | $3990 SGD | $3590 SGD |
China | ¥19500 CNY | ¥17500 CNY |
Japan | ¥324000 JPY | ¥306720 JPY |
Canada | $3500 CAD | $3100 CAD |
The Trendy CC WOC | Price New Vs Old in % |
United States | 4.17% |
Europe | 4.36% |
UK | 8.37% |
Hong Kong | 4.76% |
Australia | 3.06% |
Singapore | 11.14% |
China | 11.43% |
Japan | 5.63% |
Canada | 12.90% |
Read more about the
classic WOC Replica Shopping.
Once again, those who hestitate and procrastinate have been slammed with higher Replica Shopping. The price increase of the WOCs might look small because the mini bag is less expensive than the bigger handbags.But when you look at the percentage of more than 10%, it’s quite a lot.So what are you going to do now? Keep buying Chanel or quitting? And what do you think about the new Replica Shopping?
Hi! Would you know if the Replica Shopping of the classic double flap medium/large, jumbo and maxi also had an increase?
Are these new Replica Shopping in effect now?
Hi Rose, for the report in Aug 2017, the answer is no. Only the bags we’ve published. The others haven’t increased in this month. However, I do recommend you to read the next report of Sept 2017: