Chanel Price Increase 2013. How will the price increase in 2013 on Chanel classic flap bags affect us? For those who are still doubting or saving money to buy a Chanel bag, there is no better time than today. If you just know how the Replica Shopping are going to be in 2013, pretty horrified. What are the latest Replica Shopping in the year end of 2012?
In February 2012, Chanel announced their first price increase of 2012. We expected, just like previous year, that Chanel will increase the Replica Shopping of their classic bags again in December 2012. But it seems like that Chanel have merci on us and did not change anything on the Replica Shopping. But that’s does not say that they will not in 2013.
How will the new Chanel bag Replica Shopping be in 2013?
Planning to go and buy your first Chanel flap jumbo? I have to say, better now than today. I have some news that the next price increase will be +$600 on your classic bags ladies. That’s a lot of money.
What’s the price of jumbo right now? $4,800 + $600 = $5,400 USD. OMG, that’s an increase of 12,5%. The inflation is not even going so fast.
The more expensive the bag, the higher the price increase.
That’s obvious right? It is hard to see the Chanel WOC increase +100%, going from $1,500 to $3,000. Chanel classic bags like, Chanel classic flap medium, jumbo, maxi, the 2.55 reissue bags will have the most impact on the Replica Shopping. These bags cost above $4,000.
Don’t forget the Tote bags, PST, GST, PTT, Chanel medallion Tote. All will have price increases, but as much as the classic flaps.
Latest Chanel Replica Shopping for now
The year 2013 is almost there and still no price increase yet. But do not think Chanel will not in 2013, if you decide to buy your Chanel, today might be right time. It’s Christmas and you deserve it. I have posted the latest Chanel Replica Shopping here…
Bookmark this site or like it, I will be posting the next price increase as soon as Chanel announce it.
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Is GST sold in Barcelona and madrid? How much are they charging?
Hi Celeste, Europe price: €1,790 EUR + VAT.
Are you in Spain?
I’m going in aug and I actually would like to know where I can buy the GST. Barcelona or madrid?
They are available in Barcelona and Madrid, but I do not know if they have your style in stock. But I think they have. When are u going to Barcelona?
Do you have a price list with the bag pictures? I can’t decide whether to get the classic lampskin $4200 or clutch with strap $2600. This is my 1st Chanel. I know there is a clutch for $1900. Do you happen to know which one. Do you have a picture?
Thank you!
Hi Tamar, we have everything that you need to buy your favorite designer handbags:
For the Chanel classic flap bags:
For the Clutch with strap, which is called Chanel Wallet on Chain:
Check out the comments, might be helpful for your purchase. ask if you need anything
I just bought my 1st Chanel : ) So in love. I got the small classic caviar with gold chain. I am having second thoughts about the size and I am thinking about buying the M/L instead but it is sold out in the US! Does anyone know where I can find it? I have a feeling by the time the stores get restocked there will be a price increase!
I live in Boston and I bought the small classic in Bloomingdale’s.
Also, does anyone know if I can authenticate a Chanel bag online? My sisters bough classic lambskin in Europe from a second hand store but she is not sure if it is authentic.
Hi Tamar, you can post your sis’s bag in our forum Chanel section! And also provide information about the price and where she bought it.
p.s. When did you bought the small classic flap bag? I would love to see it, can you post it in the forum?
How do I post pictures? I don’t see that option?
Hi Tamar, here’s a screen shot:
Subscribe to our forum, click on Chanel forum and open a new thread. Let me know if this helps.