Chanel Price Increase 2013

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel Price Increase 2013

Chanel Price Increase 2013


Chanel Price Increase 2013. How will the price increase in 2013 on Chanel classic flap bags affect us? For those who are still doubting or saving money to buy a Chanel bag, there is no better time than today. If you just know how the Replica Shopping are going to be in 2013, pretty horrified. What are the latest Replica Shopping in the year end of 2012?

In February 2012, Chanel announced their first price increase of 2012. We expected, just like previous year, that Chanel will increase the Replica Shopping of their classic bags again in December 2012. But it seems like that Chanel have merci on us and did not change anything on the Replica Shopping. But that’s does not say that they will not in 2013.

How will the new Chanel bag Replica Shopping be in 2013?
Planning to go and buy your first Chanel flap jumbo? I have to say, better now than today. I have some news that the next price increase will be +$600 on your classic bags ladies. That’s a lot of money.

What’s the price of jumbo right now? $4,800 + $600 = $5,400 USD. OMG, that’s an increase of 12,5%. The inflation is not even going so fast.

The more expensive the bag, the higher the price increase.

That’s obvious right? It is hard to see the Chanel WOC increase +100%, going from $1,500 to $3,000. Chanel classic bags like, Chanel classic flap medium, jumbo, maxi, the 2.55 reissue bags will have the most impact on the Replica Shopping. These bags cost above $4,000.

Don’t forget the Tote bags, PST, GST, PTT, Chanel medallion Tote. All will have price increases, but as much as the classic flaps.

Latest Chanel Replica Shopping for now
The year 2013 is almost there and still no price increase yet. But do not think Chanel will not in 2013, if you decide to buy your Chanel, today might be right time. It’s Christmas and you deserve it. I have posted the latest Chanel Replica Shopping here…

Bookmark this site or like it, I will be posting the next price increase as soon as Chanel announce it.



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406 thoughts on “Chanel Price Increase 2013”

    • Finland in the European Union right? The price of the GST is: €1,150 EUR. Are you going to buy in Finland?

    • Dear sassy, do u mean that 1150 euros is the price of the pst instead of the gst wich the price is 1790 euros? for the lady who wants to purchased the gst from finland!
      I have a question i saw in one of ur aticles that there is a rumor that chanel Replica Shopping will increase 20% , thats mean that the gst will be 3480$ , are u sure of that?? unfortunately i will not purchased the gst from London during my summer vaccation in next august but from turkey! is the price for a gst is more expensive there ??? i am looking forward for ur answer

    • I’m sorry I checked it wrong, it’s around €1,750 right now. There were rumors about price increases, but we checked and no increase yet.

      A 20% increase on the €1,790 is about € 2,100 for the new price. This is not uncommon, we have seen the jumbo flap bag double in price within four years.

      I have no information about Replica Shopping in Turkey. They have a Chanel boutique in Istanbul. But what if they don’t have in stock.

    • dear sassy, thanks a lot for your clarifications , i checked and found that in Istanbul there are 2 chanel boutiques and both of them have leather goods so it will be weard if they don’t have the gst !! i am crossing my fingers ! i ll try to call them, i hope it will work

    • Hi, there are 10 Chanel boutiques in Paris and still I am hearing on daily basis that people go there and can’t find the bag they like. Better to give a call and to make sure. The GST is an iconic bag, it’s not weird that they are out of stock. But which GSt are you looking for, color and hardware?

    • Dear sassy and anonymous, i am searching a regular gst black IN Golden hardware 🙁 i think if ITS too expensive i should programm to Go to paris IN week-end ITS near to morocco

    • You should call the boutiques first, I mean between the location where you are and Paris, there are several more boutiques.

    • Yes dear, paris is 2 hours away (distance) in a plane to morocco ! i can find a cheap ticket! but i should also call ! i am searching the telephone numbers in chanel site !
      thanks again

    • hi sassy, yeah i found all the numbers 🙂 I will start to call them soon and i will update u! I will try to make sure even of the Replica Shopping and I will tell u 😉

    • I also think your best option is Paris, they should have the GST in stock, however the black in gwh is one of the most sought after…=S Keep us up to date.

    • Istanbul chanel very expensive, better get it from london, last month I go there and confirm the price, example medium classic 3100 euro and Istanbul is 3500 euro

    • Oh i didnt know that Replica Shopping in Istanbul chanel are that much expensive! ! Thanks a lot to ananymous

    • Hi, thanks for sharing this. Didn’t dare to say anything about Istanbul, because I haven’t heard many people buying there. But I now know why, it’s too expensive.

    • Yes. I’m going to buy at Finland. The GST not € 1790? Any tax refund there? How many %? Thanks!

    • Is GST come with caviar only? I will try my luck to get it from Finland. Do u think that it will be out of stock?

    • I think Finland have more stock than France, especially in Paris, a lot of tourist around the world go there. They have lambskin too. Which one do you prefer?

    • Is it same price for either lamb skin or caviar? Which material look nicer? I prefer gold hard wear.

    • Same price, the lambskin looks better. It’s feel luxurious, but is less durable like the Caviar. The caviar is harder, but for the totes, I wouldn’t mind going for the lambskin. what do you think?

      ps. I love the golden hardware, is one of the most picked.

  1. Hi Sassybag!

    Your website is perfect for shopaholics!

    I saw your post earlier that the Chanel boutique in Heathrow no longer stores any iconic bags. It does include boy chanel right? It would be a pity if it does..
    And do you know the current Replica Shopping of medium and small boy chanel in uk? Has there been any price increase recently?


    • They don’t stock iconic bags like classic flaps, 2.55 reissue. I heard they still have the Chanel WOC, and they should be selling the Chanel boy too.

      The Replica Shopping should be around:

      Small: €2,400 EUR
      medium: €2,500 EUR

      I like the medium, do you know which color you will pick? No price increase since february 2012.

      Here is a tip, give the Heathrow airport a call, and Adrianna, keep me informed about your journey.

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