Chanel Price Increase 2013

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel Price Increase 2013

Chanel Price Increase 2013


Chanel Price Increase 2013. How will the price increase in 2013 on Chanel classic flap bags affect us? For those who are still doubting or saving money to buy a Chanel bag, there is no better time than today. If you just know how the Replica Shopping are going to be in 2013, pretty horrified. What are the latest Replica Shopping in the year end of 2012?

In February 2012, Chanel announced their first price increase of 2012. We expected, just like previous year, that Chanel will increase the Replica Shopping of their classic bags again in December 2012. But it seems like that Chanel have merci on us and did not change anything on the Replica Shopping. But that’s does not say that they will not in 2013.

How will the new Chanel bag Replica Shopping be in 2013?
Planning to go and buy your first Chanel flap jumbo? I have to say, better now than today. I have some news that the next price increase will be +$600 on your classic bags ladies. That’s a lot of money.

What’s the price of jumbo right now? $4,800 + $600 = $5,400 USD. OMG, that’s an increase of 12,5%. The inflation is not even going so fast.

The more expensive the bag, the higher the price increase.

That’s obvious right? It is hard to see the Chanel WOC increase +100%, going from $1,500 to $3,000. Chanel classic bags like, Chanel classic flap medium, jumbo, maxi, the 2.55 reissue bags will have the most impact on the Replica Shopping. These bags cost above $4,000.

Don’t forget the Tote bags, PST, GST, PTT, Chanel medallion Tote. All will have price increases, but as much as the classic flaps.

Latest Chanel Replica Shopping for now
The year 2013 is almost there and still no price increase yet. But do not think Chanel will not in 2013, if you decide to buy your Chanel, today might be right time. It’s Christmas and you deserve it. I have posted the latest Chanel Replica Shopping here…

Bookmark this site or like it, I will be posting the next price increase as soon as Chanel announce it.



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406 thoughts on “Chanel Price Increase 2013”

  1. Hi there!! I’m a Malaysian and I’m currently working in London (UK working visa). Is it possible for me to buy a bag in LHR with the discounted price? Because I’ll be heading back home this month but I’ll still keep my UK visa.. Thanks!!

    • Hi Julia, please read this:

      You are eligible to shop tax free (receive a VAT/sales refund) if any of the following applies;

      You are a non – EU resident
      If you are studying or working in Europe you can apply for a refund on any goods bought in the final 3 months of your stay in Europe
      EU residents residing outside the EU for 12 months or more (you may need to provide proof of residency for Customs). Furthermore, if you are an Irish person who is moving to reside outside of the EU for more than one year you must present a Visa or proof that you will be resident for 12 months or more outside the EU.

      Hope this helps, which Chanel are you going to buy. Oh btw, if you are going to buy at Heathrow, it’s already tax-free. Even EU-resident can get their Chanels over there!

    • I would like to buy the classic flap black caviar jumbo..I might leave London end of the month but I would be returning to London..and I’m a working visa holder..I saw your post down there saying that Heathrow does not store any iconic chanel bags anymore..hmm..thanks you so much for your efforts in replying..

    • Yes, very pity huh? It’s was god-send boutique btw. Let me know when you got the classic flap jumbo, btw, no price increase yet.

    • Hi sassy bag (: I was a little confused.. You mean I’m able to apply for the tax refund on the final 3months of my stay in Europe.. What if I return to London after a few months away? Is my working visa still valid?

    • These are the rules I found on the EU regulation about tax-refund. Generally EU doesn’t want people who are NON-eu citizen to to study or work in Europe and get tax-refund when they are staying for a long period. That wouldn’t be fair right? Because you can get tax-refund almost on anything you purchase. But on the final three months of your stay, you can get tax-refund on all purchases. It is your last stay right? Or is it temporary and you are coming back to London for study/work?

    • Working actually..but not to worry..I’d figure it out..your informations are really useful..thanks a lot!

  2. Hello everybody,

    I just came back from Munich and I bought a GST SHW at Euro1790.
    It only comes in cavier.
    I am so so so HAPPY….

    For the GST XL, it’s Euro2100.

    Also I have checked with the SA, the PST will not be discontinued forever.
    It will only be discontinued for a couple seasons.

    FYI for those who are interested in getting one..

    Cheers 🙂

    • Oh thank you so much Florence!!! I think your information about the PST is going set a big relieved for us all. And congratulation with your new GST XL!!!

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