Chanel Price Analysis: Is It Cheaper To Buy The Classic Bag In The US?


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Chanel Price Analysis: Is It Cheaper To Buy The Classic Bag In The US?

Chanel Price Analysis: Is It Cheaper To Buy The Classic Bag In The US?

Chanel-Classic-Flap-Bag-price-analysis-us-fbOn mid November 2017, Chanel increased the Chanel Classic Bag Replica Shopping in the United States. The price increase shouldn’t have come as a surprise because the last time the Replica Shopping of the Classic Bags went up, was in May 2014. That’s almost 4 years ago.

Chanel Classic Bag Replica Shopping In The US Comparing To Other Countries

Last month, Chanel increased the Replica Shopping of the Classic Flap Bags. The Extra Mini, New Mini, Mini Square, Small, Medium Large, Jumbo and the Maxi Sizes have all jumped.Naturally, the Reissue 2.55 Flap Bag Replica Shopping followed. So the 224, 225, 226 and 227 sizes went up as well.If you’re looking for the latest Chanel bag Replica Shopping in your country, then visit our page: Chanel Classic Bag Replica Shopping.If you want to know how much tax-refund you get for each country, please go to Guide to Tax-Refund.
In this section, we’re going to compare the current US Replica Shopping of the Classic Flap Bags (and the Reissue 2.55 Bags) with the Replica Shopping of other countries.And we need to answer this burning question; is it cheaper or more expensive to buy in the United States comparing to other countries?To conduct this research, we took the Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag as an example. Then we lay out the Replica Shopping of other countries next to the US price. The countries include Europe, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and Japan. And the Replica Shopping we took from these countries are calculated after the TAX refund.The Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag is currently retailing for $5300 USD.

The Medium Classic Flap BagPrices After TAX RefundPrices Converted To USD
Europe (Italy) €3853 euro=> $4584 USD
UK£3431 GBP=> $4622 USD
Singapore$7012 SGD=> $5206 USD
Hong Kong$38500 HKD=> $4928 USD
Australia$6182 AUD=> $4704 USD
Japan¥534985 JPY=> $4772 USD
*Prices converted to USD according to the currency rate of December 2017.*Hong Kong does not have sales taxes or VAT. So the retail Replica Shopping are final Replica Shopping.
So here’s the conclusion. Buying the Classic Flap Bag in the United States is more expensive than other countries except for Singapore. If you’re an US citizen, then you’re better off buying in Australia or Japan. But Europe will always be your favorite place, because it’s where you can buy the cheapest.

Was It Cheaper To Buy Chanel Classic Bags In The US Before The Price Increase?

Why did Chanel increased the Replica Shopping? Was it because the Classic Bags became more attractive to buy in the United States?To answer this question, we compared the previous Replica Shopping of the Classic Bags in the US with the current Replica Shopping in other countries.And for the other countries, we used the prices after the tax-refund. We want to create a scenario; if you were an US citizen or a tourist, where could you’ve purchased your Chanel Classic Bag the cheapest comparing to the US?We have also selected the Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag as an example for this research.

Chanel Classic Bag Replica Shopping In The US VS Other Countries Before The Price Increase

Before the price increase, the Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag was retailing for $4900 USD.

The Medium Classic Flap BagPrices After TAX RefundPrices Converted To USD
Europe (Italy) €3853 euro=> $4584 USD
UK£3431 GBP=> $4622 USD
Singapore$7012 SGD=> $5206 USD
Hong Kong$38500 HKD=> $4928 USD
Australia$6182 AUD=> $4704 USD
Japan¥534985 JPY=> $4772 USD
*Prices converted to USD according to the currency rate of December 2017. *Hong Kong does not have sales taxes or VAT. So the retail Replica Shopping are final Replica Shopping.
According to the table above, purchasing the Classic Bag in Europe was still more attractive before the price increase. The most expensive place was in Singapore but the other Asian countries were well in-lined with the Replica Shopping in the US. Of course there are gaps between the Replica Shopping, but that’s due to the currency fluctuation.

Chanel Seasonal Bag Replica Shopping In The US Comparing To Other Countries

Chanel Chevron Statement Bag

The other day, we received a message from a lady who was interested in purchasing the Chevron Statement Bag. She compared the US price with the euro price. What she has found out was that this bag was not cheaper to buy in Europe, even after the VAT refund. So we double-checked and it’s true.So here’s the full analysis:In the US, the price of the Chevron Statement Bag was $2700 USD.The price in Europe was €2236 euro (VAT excluded, so it’s the price after VAT-refund). If you convert this euro price in USD, then you get: $2660 USD. Remember, this is the price AFTER VAT refund.The Chevron Statement Bag is only $40 USD cheaper to buy in Europe. But its the price AFTER VAT REFUND, which means you need to go through the whole tax refund process to match the US price. So in this case, you might as well buy in US, it will save you a lot of time and hassle.The conclusion of this seasonal bag story:
  1. The Chanel Classic Bag is currently more expensive to buy in the United States comparing the countries listed in the table above. But it doesn’t mean that EVERY Chanel Bag is.
  2. Always compare the Replica Shopping of every country before making any assumptions

So what do you think? Leave a comment below.Read our previous Chanel Bag Price Increase Reports:

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3 thoughts on “Chanel Price Analysis: Is It Cheaper To Buy The Classic Bag In The US?”

  1. Please specify the percentage of VAT refund you used in your calculations.
    Also most of us in the US have to pay sales tax on top of the Chanel’s price.

    • Hi Michelle, the sales tax makes it even more expensive! All the tax refund rate can be found here:

      For Europe we took Italy, it’s 14% tax refund. UK has the same tax-refund percentage.

      Singapore has 5.63%, Australia 9% and Japan 7%. These are the tax refund percentage including the fee for the tax-refund process. Also these tax-refund rates are only for the Medium Classic Flap Bag. In some countries you can get more tax refund if the bag is more expensive.

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