Why do we love Chanel so much? We somehow feel addicted, magnetically attracted and falling deeper in love with Chanel bags every day. And what do we get in return? Chanel keeps increasing their Replica Shopping every year. Maybe it’s true what they say: ‘You never know what you got until it’s gone’. Let’s take our favorite Chanel bag as an example, the classic flap bag.
The higher the Replica Shopping go, the less accessible it becomes. If we had known that Chanel was going to double their Replica Shopping five years ago, wouldn’t you buy two bags instead of one?
Will the craziness ever end? So far, Chanel has increased their Replica Shopping twice. Will we be lucky enough to experience three hits in a row this year? Gosh, Chanel please have mercy on us.
I know some people have waited for their dream bag for a long time (dream bag refers to Chanel classic bag of course, sigh!). They work hard to save every penny they can. But they couldn’t keep up with the Replica Shopping and finally gave up.
So when is the right time to buy your Chanel bag? If you are thinking of getting one, the best time will be NOW, today, within 24 hours! Don’t wait until their timeless bag goes on sale, because they probably will ‘never’ ever go on sale.
Let’s look at the price changes in 2011, shall we?
So what do you think?
The numbers give you an indication of how aggressively the price changes. The Chanel medium/large and jumbo flap bag are our favorite picks. Chanel jumbo jumped by 17% and the medium/large by 31%. That’s a lot of money, you could treat yourself to a new pair of gorgeous Chanel earrings or a Chanel wallet. So procrastinators will get punished huh?
Do people stop buying after the price increase?
If Chanel saw a decrease in their earnings, will they say: ‘We are doing just fine, let’s continue to increase our Replica Shopping so we can see our revenue go down.’ Of course not!
The opposite is true, Chanel must be seeing their revenue going up and up, that’s why they are aggressively enforcing new policies and price increases. (Have you heard about Chanel’s one bag per passport policy yet?).
‘Desire is when something isn’t there or isn’t there as you want it’. Our love and attitude toward Chanel are shifting. We start to recognize Chanel as an ultra-high-end brand. People who own a Chanel bag prior to the price increases are more proud than ever to flaunt it around. The more expensive Chanel becomes, the less accessible it will be for us and the more we want it.
So what did Chanel do with their extra profit?
Do they invest in the quality? Or in the design? Well, not really. Though we pay more for our bags, the style, design and quality remain the same. Some people complain that the value to quality doesn’t match. But what can we do? It’s Chanel right? Is there a substitute for Chanel? I haven’t found any yet.
Is it worth buying a Chanel? Oh yeah. I love the quality and the style is timeless. Chanel reissue 2.55 has existed for more than 58 years. It’s like buying gold. Buy it once and it’s forever. A friend of mine got her mother’s vintage Chanel bag as a birthday gift. How cute is that?
New Chanel Replica Shopping 2012
February 2012 was the first price increase of this year. Normally Chanel increases twice a year, so we expect the next price increase to be in December 2012. Just to give you an indication of how much you would be paying, let’s assume the price increase is set to be 20%. What would you be paying?
I heard a story lately. A girl wanted to buy a Chanel jumbo bag in 2011, but she waited. On February 2012, she walked into the boutique and was shocked to hear about the new Replica Shopping. One day late and she was paying a few hundred dollars more. That must be the worst feeling ever, but at least she got her dream bag.
Sometimes I like to imagine how much you would have saved on a Chanel bag if you bought it in 2011 instead of 2012.
But then again, if we knew the lottery numbers of yesterday, we would have won a million dollars. But can you imagine walking into a Chanel boutique on the exact same day that Chanel has decided to increase their Replica Shopping? That would make me sad. I would still buy it, but it’s just sad.
Rumors are going that Chanel has planned their next move on the end of this year. That will be three price increases in a row. The exact date is not yet confirmed, and probably will never be. But it will be likely to be before Christmas. (You and I know why).
These timeless, wonderful, attractive, lovely, classic Chanel bags will never go on sale. Just a reminder. If you love Chanel classic bags, buy one, then wait for the next price increase. You will be proud of yourself for making the best investment EVER in your life.
Once you have it, it’s forever, like diamonds. Love Chanel bags, but hate their Replica Shopping.
this post might be old, but it gives you some insight on Chanel’s price changes. Read on…
Why do we love Chanel so much? Somehow we feel addicted, magnetically attracted and falling deeper in love with Chanel bags every day. And what do we get in return? Chanel keeps increasing their Replica Shopping every year. Maybe it’s true what they say: ‘You never know what you got until it’s gone’. Let’s take our most favorite Chanel bag as an example, the classic flap bag. The higher the price goes, the less accessible it becomes. If you and I knew that Chanel is going to double their Replica Shopping five years ago, wouldn’t you buy two bags instead of one?
Will the craziness ever end? So far, Chanel have increased their Replica Shopping twice. Will we be lucky enough to experience three hits in a row this year? Gosh, Chanel please have merci on us.
I know some people have waited for their dream bag for a long time (dream bag refer to Chanel classic bag of course, sight!). They work hard to save every penny they can. But they couldn’t keep up with the Replica Shopping and finally gave up.
So when is the right time to buy your Chanel bag? If you are thinking of getting one, the best time will be NOW, today, within 24-hours! Don’t wait until their timeless bag go on sales, because they probably will ‘never’ ever go on sales.
Let’s take a look at the price changes in 2011, shall we?
So what do you think?
The numbers give you an indication of how aggressively the price changes. The Chanel medium/large and jumbo flap bag are our most favorite pick. Chanel jumbo jumped by 17% and the medium/large by 31%. That’s a lot of money, you could treat yourself a new pair of gorgeous Chanel earrings or a Chanel wallet. So procrastinators will get punished huh?
Do people stop buying after the price increase?
If Chanel saw a decrease in their earnings, will they say: ‘We are doing just fine, let’s continue to increase our Replica Shopping so we can see our revenue go down.’ Of course not!
The opposite is true, Chanel must be seeing their revenue going up and up, that’s why they are aggressively enforcing new policies and price increases. (Did you heard about Chanel’s one bag per passport policy yet?).
‘Desire is when something isn’t there or isn’t there as you want it’. Our love and attitude toward Chanel is shifting. We start to recognize Chanel as an ultra high-end brand. People who own a Chanel bag prior to the price increases, are more proud than ever to flaunt it around. The more expensive Chanel becomes, the less accessible it will be for us and the more we want it.
So what did Chanel do with their extra profit?
Do they invest in the quality? Or in the design? Well, not really. Though we pay more for our bags, but the style, design and quality remain the same. Some people complain that the value to quality doesn’t match. But what can we do? It’s Chanel right? Is there a substitute for Chanel? I haven’t found any yet.
Is it worth buying a Chanel? Oh yeah. I love the quality and the style is timeless. Chanel reissue 2.55 exist for more than 58 years. It’s like buying gold. Buy it once and it’s forever. A friend of mine got her mother’s vintage Chanel bag as a birthday gift. How cute is that?
New Chanel Replica Shopping 2012
February 2012 was the first price increase of this year. Normally Chanel increase twice a year, so we expect the next price increase to be in December 2012. Just to give you an indication of how much you will be paying, let’s assume the price increase set to be 20%. What will you be paying?
I heard a story lately. A girl wanted to buy a Chanel jumbo bag in 2011, but she waited. On February 2012, she walked into the boutique and was shocked to hear about the new Replica Shopping. One day late and she was paying a few hundred dollar more. That must be worst feeling ever, but at least she got her dream bag.
Sometimes I love to imagine: ‘How much would you have saved on a Chanel bag if you bought it in 2011 instead of 2012?’
But then again, if we knew the lottery numbers of yesterday, we would have won a million dollar. But can you imagine to walk into a Chanel boutique on the exact same day that Chanel have decided to increase their Replica Shopping? That would make me sad. I would still buy it, but it’s just sad.
Rumors are going that Chanel have planned their next move on the end of this year. That will be three price increase in a row. The exact date is not yet confirmed, and probably will never be. But it will be likely to be before Christmas. (You and I know why).
These timeless, wonderful, attractive, lovely, classic Chanel bags will never go on sales. Just a reminder. If you love Chanel classic bags, go get buy one, then wait for the next price increase. You will be proud of yourself for making the best investment EVER in your life.
Once you have it, it’s forever, like diamonds.
Love Chanel bags, but hate their Replica Shopping.
Follow our member’s extensive detailed discussion at Chanel Replica Shopping and information 2012 (Despite of the number ‘2012’, we are still active in the comment section). Or become a member and join our Chanel forum. We understand your handbag lust and we would love to have you with us.
(Disclaimer: we tried hard to collect these data’s as accurate as possible. So please use these figures as guidance)
Hi Sassy Bag,
Your posts are very helpful. I have been doing some research online, and as I look more and more into the Chanel flap bag, I just feel like I NEED one, not just wanting it. I have been thinking about it since 2 years go, and back then I was just dreaming about having one, and thought I would eventually get one when it is the right time. I never paid attention to the price increase, until recently my friend got one from Milan, and she said it was much cheaper than in Asia. I was sooo tempted to get one right away, and was very surprised to see the huge price differences, especially with all these rumors about another price increase in June 2012.
I’ m thinking of asking a friend to get it for me when she goes to Europe in a month, but I need to find out everything about it before I invest so much money on something that I am not getting it directly in person.
Do you know which country in Europe is cheaper for a classic flap bag? also is it always double flap? my friend got the medium classic flap in SHW at Milan, and it was somewhere around EUR2600 after the instant tax refund in cash at the Chanel store. Will it be cheaper in Milan or another country?
I’m also debating on the medium and the jumbo. I’m about 164cm, small frame, and I would like to use this to go with everything (like casual and formal occasions), I haven’t tried on a jumbo before, but I felt that it might look a bit too big for formal wear? I want to hear your advice =)
Also, I’m asian, and I wonder if the color of the hardware matters on my skintone. I am personally leaning towards the GHW, because I think it looks more classy, and the style can last for a long time. However, my friends were all saying the GHW is quite mature looking, and the SHW will suit me more. I always wear dark and plain colors and only wear bright colors occasionally. Although I look quite young at my age, but I’m turning 30 soon, and I don’t want to regret of picking the wrong color as I plan to use this bag for years and years (and maybe pass it to my daughter if I can take good care of it ) I need your help, or if anyone reading this have similiar situation or advice, please leave your suggestions too =) Thank a lot !
Hi Sindy,
I am very excited about you getting your Chanel bag. And yes, we need Chanel bags.
When we go shopping with friends and especially going to special events, we need a chanel bag to wear in those situations. And you know, Chanel bags are made from pretty good quality, which means that we can use them for a very long time. (of course if we take a good care of it). So it’s a long term investment =D
So answering your questions:
Do you know which country in Europe is cheaper for a classic flap bag? also is it always double flap?
There’s only one europe country that does not have the euro’s and that’s United Kingdom. They still use pounds.
All other countries have been using euro’s and the Replica Shopping of Chanel bags are usually all the same. I last looked for a Chanel boutique in France, Netherlands and in Spain. They are all the same.
Your questions should be: Which country have the highest tax, so I can get the highest tax refund (in another word discount=D)
In Sweden the tax is 25%, you can get the most tax return in that country.
I wrote a page about this: http://buyluxurys.com/chanel-classic-bags-on-sale-get-max-25-discount
But in which country is your friend going, I can tell you how much discount (tax return) you can get.
I am also around 1.65 and I bought a chanel jumbo flap bag. I feel like the bag really looked nice, because it just fits perfectly. But when you try the Maxi, it is too big. You should buy the Jumbo. Do you got a lot of stuff to put in your bags?
The medium is also not bad (if you do not pick the maxi, then it will be fine). When I tried the medium it feels like that it’s a bit small. So finally I choosed the Jumbo. Did you knew that I walked through the whole Chanel boutique to find the Chanel Jumbo in Paris. It was in the weekend, they had like 5-6 chanel boutiques over there and I went in each one of them. Chanel Jumbo was sold out!!! OMG, bad luck for me =(
You know I like informal wearing, that’s also why I choose the Jumbo. But if you usually wear formal clothes, the medium definetly fits better. Because the medium does not stand out that big. You are wearing Chanel, but it does not stand out. It’s feels like it’s a part of your clothing style.
The GHW is definetly more classy, it fits when wearing formal clothes. The SHW is more for wearing informal clothes, this is my opinion. So if you wear more formal clothes, you should definetly choose the GHW.
Black clothes fits more in the GHW style. You will get the exact same feeling as the Chanel flap bag in black and in GWH.
If you wear more of a bright colors, GHW would not fit. The style will be more confusing, because of the different colors.
I just found out my friend is only staying at Paris, hopefully they will have stock, I went to boutique today to try on the the jumbo and the medium. I can see why you love the jumbo as it fits perfectly under the arm and the size is perfect for everyday use, but I think I’m more towards the medium as I want it to look more delicate, even though I’m going to wear that with casual wear, I will also use it for evening to some formal events (not that I have many to go to, but just in case hehe)
Your analysis is really helpful, now I think I am liking the silver more after I tried it on me. The gold do look more mature for myself at this point, I can see myself liking it more later on as I get older (ack…still a dilemma…for now or for the long run). But then I’m not a very feminine girl, would only dress more feminine when I wear formal clothes.
Hmm…so I guess I will probably wear it more if it’s SWH….decision decision…
I don’t often wear bright clothes, but will SWH pretty much go with everything, even for formal event? (just relatively less formal then GWH right?)
Your friend is goingt to Paris, you can get 19,6% tax return. You can ask your friend to buy the Chanel medium flap bag in two ways:
1). buy it on airport no french tax added.
2). buy it in chanel boutigue in paris. Your friend need to file a tax return on time on the airport.
Also before you send him to a chanel boutique, start calling chanel stores in Paris, asking if they have the bag in stock and if so, ask them if they can put it on reserve, so your friend can pick it up.
There are 5-6 chanel boutigues in Paris. If it happens that the medium flap bag SHW is sold out, your friend needs to walk the whole day to find the right chanel boutigue who has it in store.
Especially the SHW is very often sold out. I remember the time I went to paris and they had chanel jumbo SHW sold out, but they had chanel stores who had the jumbo GSH. I think SHW is more wanted.
The medium SHW in my opinion fits in formal as well in informal clothes. It also fits in bright clothes or clothes. SHW does color does not stand out, it is neutral. But the GHW is different, you will notice that when buying a black chanel GHW, the golden chain is shining. So formal clothes and wearing chanel GHW will make you look more mature.
I hope this helps, I love talking to you,
let me know when you got the chanel medium flap bag.
To be honest, I will go for the chanel medium flap bag. I think it also look nice when you’re 1.64, just don’t get the maxi.
I got a friend who bought the maxi, just because she wanted it so bad, and the jumbo and medium was sold out. OMG, she regret later very very much.
love and kisses,
sassy bag
I want to thanks sass told me to change my classic jumbo to medium, i got my medium today i was so happy,this time the bag was made from France,jumbo was made from Italy,but the one made in France the CC lock donot have a maked like some people said in youtube blog.so what do u think? another downside was i did not have a price tag on my new medium bag,i email my sale p .he didnot reply,what u think i should do care no price tag ok ? your reply always help.thanks again
Hi Lin, I don’t think the CC lock is a problem unless it is broken. But you have to get the price tag, because you paid a lot of money for it. You must get all the things that is included in the Chanel.
If he did not reply you, then definetly call them!!!
Did you btw get your money refunded? the jumbo is more expensive.
I did got my money back from exchange the size,still didnot hear a reply about my price tag,will try to call again. Are u from Holland ?
Orginally yes, but I am living in NY right now. How about you?
I live in iowa, u very nice to help all our question.we really appreciate.
Ah yes, I love Iowa, it’s next to Chicago right? It’s hurtful that Chanel increase their Replica Shopping three times this year =(. Let me know when you got your price tag