Chanel have been increasing price for a time now. Why? I don’t know, but some say that Chanel wants their classic to sit next to the Hermes bag. Other say that it a strategic approach, increase Replica Shopping and more people will want to buy it. Whatever reason it is, they have done it. We love Chanel more and more, and the further to go in Replica Shopping, the more we want to buy them.
Chanel have literally doubled their Replica Shopping in less than four years. If you bought a Chanel bag in 2008/2009, then you might conclude that Chanel Replica Shopping as gone wild. If you are new to Chanel, you might think that
the Replica Shopping are normal, but they are not. They are crazy!
Chanel Classic Medium Flap Bag (also known as medium/large)
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Medium Flap
Chanel have discontinued two beautiful Chanel bags. The first one is the Chanel East West Flap and the second one is the Chanel small flap. The Chanel E/W flap is actually cheaper than the medium flap, but they were for most part identical. It was an excellent substitute Chanel bag for girls who can’t afford the expensive medium flap bags.
Chanel Classic Jumbo Flap Bag
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Jumbo Flap
Chanel Jumbo Flap used to have a single flap. I love the single flap, but Chanel decided to discontinue and change it to double flap. I have to admit, with the double flap you can better organize your items. There is a downside, the single flap is much lighter than the double flap. I have tried the double flap a few times and my shoulder hurt because it’s a bit too heavy. Maybe I am used to the single flap, because most girls who purchase the jumbo for the first time with double flap doesn’t seem to have any problem with it.
Chanel Classic Maxi Flap Bag
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Maxi Flap
Chanel introduced the Maxi after they have discontinued the small flap. Maybe the future trend is that girls love bigger bags than smaller ones. The Chanel Maxi Flap have been introduced since 2009.
Chanel Reissue 2.55 Flap Bags
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Reissue 2.55
Chanel Reissue 2.55 handbags is been re-made exactly as Coco Chanel have made them decades ago. When you buy the reissue, the bag look like being worn. This is the vintage style. Chanel reissue have a special locker, it’s called the mademoisselle locker and it represent Coco that she have never been married. The 2.55 stands for the release date of the bag, which is February 1955.
Chanel Petite Shopping Tote or PST in Caviar
Chanel Grand Shopping Tote
Chanel Petite Timeless Tote
Chanel Medallion Tote
Chanel Cerf Tote
When Is The Next Price Increase?
What you say? Chanel never announced the next price increase. I wish they could, then lots of girls would run into their stores just before they start to increase. But sometimes when you visit a Chanel boutique a bit too often, the SA might leak some free information out.
From a trusted source, the next price increase will be in December or the first of February. I am not suprised, because it is almost a year since the last price increase in February 2012. Price will increase for the flap bag around $600.
Chanel Price Increase Frequency
Chanel usually increase Replica Shopping twice a year, sometimes one and sometimes even three. This year so far we have one. They usually increase in the 1st of February, around June and December. So get ready if you decide to buy a bag. I know some friends who figure out that Chanel have increase price when they are in a Chanel boutique, ready to buy with creditcard on hand.
Chanel New Price Expectation 2013
Curious about what Chanel will do in 2013? The question is not ‘will Chanel increase price’, but how much they will increase and when they will increase. We have some expectations and also some Replica Shopping based on some leaked information of SA. The calculation can’t get too much wrong.
Read More:
Chanel Price Increase 2013
Chanel Easy Flap New Spring Summer Favorite
Chanel Wallet On Chain Talk And Replica Shopping
New Chanel Classic Shopping Tote The Biarittz
Chanel Heathrow Stopped Stocking Iconic Bags
Chanel Boy Flap The Hot Trend
If you have any question, just ask!!! Post a comment below.
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Hello, is it true that they are not Doing The petite shopper anymore?? I am trying to find in europe now!!! Thanks!!
You mean the PST right? The Chanel petite shopping tote, please check the image above.
The PST is now spotted everywhere, last seen in Nice inFrance.
Dear sassy, u mean that the petite shopping tote is now available? Is there size for the pst like the GST that has several sizes? Very happy to hear this news thanks a lot sassy and everybody
I started hearing that the PST was available in Texas and yesterday got informed that it’s also available in Nice in France and other countries. So it’s back. There is a PST XL, which is not wider, but longer. I am not sure if the PST XL is back, because it’s pretty rare.
Are you looking for the PST or the PST XL?
Oh really, so the pst is not discontinued? I am more interested in the Pst, do u know where i can find it I am going in august to paris for a weekend just to get it? How much the price has increased for the pst xl, how much does it cost now??? thaaaaaank uuuuuuu 😉
It was, it was!! but not anymore. They brought the sexy back and I think they have upgraded the bag. The normal size is PST normal €1,390 and the PST XL is €1,790, we got the information from our members. spotted in Paris, Nice and Berlin. I am not sure where exactly you can find the bag. Maybe you can ask the community, but it’s in Paris. Shopper assistant might be able to call other stores for you too.
P.s. promise me to show me the new PST if you bought it.
It’s in Paris too! Just saw it today Avenue Montaigne in shw and ghw..
The price here is 1390 €
Wow, that’s much cheaper! Amazing, the PST is back in shw and ghw. Thanks Caro for sharing. Love it!
Im Looking for The PST!!!! In glad to hear This news, because a lady in chanel london told me it was discontinued!!! Im going to berlin, amsterdam And Paris And i hope to find it!!! Thanks
Nice, don’t forget Nice! Just below Paris =). Keep us informed.
Hi Sassy,
I love both GST and PST. I would love to have one in my collection. Which one do you think it’s worth to buy it? Please kindly advice. Thank you.
PST was out for a while and the crowd went wild. Everyone was trying to find the PST and all the SA were telling that it was discontinued, which drove us crazy. But the PST is bag, I am not sure for how long. But I will recommend PST, Then again you need to love small bags. I mean GST is larger right?
i was wondering if the reissue camera bag was still available? And if you knew in which size and the Replica Shopping?
thanks so much in advance!
I saw the camera bag years ago, I thought it was discontinued. But you can still find in some other online stores or consignment stores if you are lucky. The size for the medium was 11″ x 7″ x 3.5″ (w x h x d), price was around $2,000 USD
Ooh good to know that the PST is back but what about the PTT, any news on that?
I haven’t heard about the PTT for a while. In europe, the beige was discontinued last year. I am not sure about the other colors.
Are you getting a PST?
I found The PST in berlin yesterday, at Chanel in Kadewe!! It was 1390 euros, And The big one is 1790!!
OMG, that’s really exciting. It’s really back! which color did you got? The big one, you are referring to the PST XL right?
Thank you very very much Sassy for your recommendation 🙂 I just got the PST! Mine is black caviar with shw. The size is perfect. It’s classy and super cute.
BTW, the price is slightly increase. It’s $2200.
I was wondering, could you share your PST to us? Post it on the forum.
I heard the previous PST and the one it’s selling now are different. I want to check it out.
My gf is in Paris now and there’s no more PTT in ghw only shw. The price is yes… Cheaper €1390. Anyone has the a photo of the latest PTT in grey/black shw to share? I’m dying to know how it looks like.
Dear All,
When I thought I gotten lucky with black cavier jumbo flap… there comes my nightmare.
Today when I finally gotten my bag from my friend who bought it in UK,, I saw that the back pocket of the bag is having 2 fade blue spot on it. What should I do. I am in singapore and the bag is with me now. I think my friend has throw the recipet away. What should I do now. Can someone please help me pls…
Hi Jo,
First of all don’t do anything to your bag, don’t even try to clean it w/ any leather treatment cleaner. U can bring your Chanel to Chanel boutique, maybe go to the one at Takashimaya (Nge Ann City). They know a professional place to clean it. I went there once and got the business card of the place. But it does take time. I had mine cleaned for 2 weeks, U can repaint it too but it takes about 1 month (at least).
Where do U live? I know in NY they have the same place too. Always ask Chanel SA’s where to go, they know better.
I totally agree with myzoya, don’t do anything with the bag. Bring it back to the Chanel boutique, try to involve your friend too. If not tell the SA your story, try to call the head office for help. And worst case scenario, ask the SA if they can resolve it, maybe a refurbisment treatment or advice where to have it cleaned.