Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

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Chanel, Prices

Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

Chanel have been increasing price for a time now. Why? I don’t know, but some say that Chanel wants their classic to sit next to the Hermes bag. Other say that it a strategic approach, increase Replica Shopping and more people will want to buy it. Whatever reason it is, they have done it. We love Chanel more and more, and the further to go in Replica Shopping, the more we want to buy them.

Chanel have literally doubled their Replica Shopping in less than four years. If you bought a Chanel bag in 2008/2009, then you might conclude that Chanel Replica Shopping as gone wild. If you are new to Chanel, you might think that
the Replica Shopping are normal, but they are not. They are crazy!

Chanel Classic Medium Flap Bag (also known as medium/large)

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Medium Flap
Chanel have discontinued two beautiful Chanel bags. The first one is the Chanel East West Flap and the second one is the Chanel small flap. The Chanel E/W flap is actually cheaper than the medium flap, but they were for most part identical. It was an excellent substitute Chanel bag for girls who can’t afford the expensive medium flap bags.

Chanel Classic Jumbo Flap Bag
chanel jumbo flap Replica Shopping

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Jumbo Flap
Chanel Jumbo Flap used to have a single flap. I love the single flap, but Chanel decided to discontinue and change it to double flap. I have to admit, with the double flap you can better organize your items. There is a downside, the single flap is much lighter than the double flap. I have tried the double flap a few times and my shoulder hurt because it’s a bit too heavy. Maybe I am used to the single flap, because most girls who purchase the jumbo for the first time with double flap doesn’t seem to have any problem with it.

Chanel Classic Maxi Flap Bag
chanel maxi flap Replica Shopping

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Maxi Flap
Chanel introduced the Maxi after they have discontinued the small flap. Maybe the future trend is that girls love bigger bags than smaller ones. The Chanel Maxi Flap have been introduced since 2009.

Chanel Reissue 2.55 Flap Bags
chanel reissue 225 flap pri1
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Reissue 2.55
Chanel Reissue 2.55 handbags is been re-made exactly as Coco Chanel have made them decades ago. When you buy the reissue, the bag look like being worn. This is the vintage style. Chanel reissue have a special locker, it’s called the mademoisselle locker and it represent Coco that she have never been married. The 2.55 stands for the release date of the bag, which is February 1955.

Chanel Petite Shopping Tote or PST in Caviar
Chanel petite shopping tote

Chanel Grand Shopping Tote
Chanel grand shopping tote

Chanel Petite Timeless Tote
Chanel petite timeless tote

Chanel Medallion Tote
Chanel medallion tote price

Chanel Cerf Tote

When Is The Next Price Increase?
What you say? Chanel never announced the next price increase. I wish they could, then lots of girls would run into their stores just before they start to increase. But sometimes when you visit a Chanel boutique a bit too often, the SA might leak some free information out.

From a trusted source, the next price increase will be in December or the first of February. I am not suprised, because it is almost a year since the last price increase in February 2012. Price will increase for the flap bag around $600.

Chanel Price Increase Frequency
Chanel usually increase Replica Shopping twice a year, sometimes one and sometimes even three. This year so far we have one. They usually increase in the 1st of February, around June and December. So get ready if you decide to buy a bag. I know some friends who figure out that Chanel have increase price when they are in a Chanel boutique, ready to buy with creditcard on hand.

Chanel New Price Expectation 2013
Curious about what Chanel will do in 2013? The question is not ‘will Chanel increase price’, but how much they will increase and when they will increase. We have some expectations and also some Replica Shopping based on some leaked information of SA. The calculation can’t get too much wrong.



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782 thoughts on “Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide”

  1. Hi. How can I order 1 bag: CHANEL DOUBLE FLAP, GOLD KEY, CAIFSKIN, BLACK COLOR, SIZE JUMBO in Sydney Australia. How much and Tax refund (I am from Vietnam and will travel to Australia).
    Thank you

    • You are looking for the Chanel jumbo in black calfskin. You can just get this bag in the Chanel boutique. They have a boutique in 70 castlereagh street, but why would you buy in Australia if you can get it in Vietnam?

  2. Hi Sassy.bag!

    Just want to let you know that this particular post on your blog helped me tons!! When I got the surprise from my hubby that we are going to Rome.. I quickly did my research online on the updated price of the Classic Jumbo Flaps! 🙂 Your website was god send as I am stationed out of Singapore and based in UAE…
    My cousin who bought hers (Black,Jumbo, cavier w/ SHW) 12weeks ago paid SGD7250.. I checked the boutique here in Abu Dhabi for Beige Jumbo, cavier w/GHW the approximate cost after conversion is SGD6504

    So, with the difference in price between Spore UAE,, I was even more determined to get my first Chanel while in ROME! LOL

    In Rome,the boutique is rather small and many things were sold out just within days of stock arrival. 🙁 However, the SA attending to me was super nice and patient with me when I was undecided on whether to just go ahead with the beige lambskin (which was not my first choice of material). Then, suddenly the SA asked me to wait while she went and got me a new design that arrived just a day ago. It was a seasonal (winter) piece in gorgeous dark blue with SHW.. Fell in love with it immediately.. and got it. All this while I forgot to ask what the model is called! hahaha.. maybe someone here can help me.

    Original price @ eur2300, after vat refund = eur1978 :))

    here’s the link to the bag:

    • Hi Loulou, omg thumb up for your story!

      I am really excited about your new bag, the new winter season has just arrive. But do you have a real life image for me to look, maybe two or three picture on your phone. And can you post it in the forum.

    • Hi sassy.bag and loulou!

      Why didn’t I come across the website earlier?? Thank for helping us girls with such a heavy investment!

      Anyway I am going Italy on 15th. Now that Loulou has been to Rome and it seems like luck is thin to get Chanel, I think I’ll get mine as soon as in touch down on Milan! But the problem for me is I’m going with tour group so if a boutique doesn’t have it than its hard to travel around to find another.

      Loulou is it had to find chanel boutiques in Italy? Do you know how much is Chanel Medium Flap Bag, black, caviar with GHW?

      Thank you ladies!!!

    • If your itinerary includes a stop at Galleria vittorio Emanuele II , you will have no problem finding all the branded goods under one roof. I met a few ladies who were with a tour group in the LV store , they were brought there right after touching down . I am pretty sure your tour guide will bring you there as the Duomo is right outside the mall.

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