Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

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Chanel, Prices

Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide

Chanel have been increasing price for a time now. Why? I don’t know, but some say that Chanel wants their classic to sit next to the Hermes bag. Other say that it a strategic approach, increase Replica Shopping and more people will want to buy it. Whatever reason it is, they have done it. We love Chanel more and more, and the further to go in Replica Shopping, the more we want to buy them.

Chanel have literally doubled their Replica Shopping in less than four years. If you bought a Chanel bag in 2008/2009, then you might conclude that Chanel Replica Shopping as gone wild. If you are new to Chanel, you might think that
the Replica Shopping are normal, but they are not. They are crazy!

Chanel Classic Medium Flap Bag (also known as medium/large)

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Medium Flap
Chanel have discontinued two beautiful Chanel bags. The first one is the Chanel East West Flap and the second one is the Chanel small flap. The Chanel E/W flap is actually cheaper than the medium flap, but they were for most part identical. It was an excellent substitute Chanel bag for girls who can’t afford the expensive medium flap bags.

Chanel Classic Jumbo Flap Bag
chanel jumbo flap Replica Shopping

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Jumbo Flap
Chanel Jumbo Flap used to have a single flap. I love the single flap, but Chanel decided to discontinue and change it to double flap. I have to admit, with the double flap you can better organize your items. There is a downside, the single flap is much lighter than the double flap. I have tried the double flap a few times and my shoulder hurt because it’s a bit too heavy. Maybe I am used to the single flap, because most girls who purchase the jumbo for the first time with double flap doesn’t seem to have any problem with it.

Chanel Classic Maxi Flap Bag
chanel maxi flap Replica Shopping

Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Maxi Flap
Chanel introduced the Maxi after they have discontinued the small flap. Maybe the future trend is that girls love bigger bags than smaller ones. The Chanel Maxi Flap have been introduced since 2009.

Chanel Reissue 2.55 Flap Bags
chanel reissue 225 flap pri1
Some ‘Must Know’ About Chanel Reissue 2.55
Chanel Reissue 2.55 handbags is been re-made exactly as Coco Chanel have made them decades ago. When you buy the reissue, the bag look like being worn. This is the vintage style. Chanel reissue have a special locker, it’s called the mademoisselle locker and it represent Coco that she have never been married. The 2.55 stands for the release date of the bag, which is February 1955.

Chanel Petite Shopping Tote or PST in Caviar
Chanel petite shopping tote

Chanel Grand Shopping Tote
Chanel grand shopping tote

Chanel Petite Timeless Tote
Chanel petite timeless tote

Chanel Medallion Tote
Chanel medallion tote price

Chanel Cerf Tote

When Is The Next Price Increase?
What you say? Chanel never announced the next price increase. I wish they could, then lots of girls would run into their stores just before they start to increase. But sometimes when you visit a Chanel boutique a bit too often, the SA might leak some free information out.

From a trusted source, the next price increase will be in December or the first of February. I am not suprised, because it is almost a year since the last price increase in February 2012. Price will increase for the flap bag around $600.

Chanel Price Increase Frequency
Chanel usually increase Replica Shopping twice a year, sometimes one and sometimes even three. This year so far we have one. They usually increase in the 1st of February, around June and December. So get ready if you decide to buy a bag. I know some friends who figure out that Chanel have increase price when they are in a Chanel boutique, ready to buy with creditcard on hand.

Chanel New Price Expectation 2013
Curious about what Chanel will do in 2013? The question is not ‘will Chanel increase price’, but how much they will increase and when they will increase. We have some expectations and also some Replica Shopping based on some leaked information of SA. The calculation can’t get too much wrong.



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782 thoughts on “Chanel Latest Replica Shopping 2012 And Chanel bags Information Worldwide”

  1. Hi Sassy
    You’re probably sick of hearing this but great website!! Learnt so much from everyone’s experiences and questions and answers.
    I have no stories to tell but questions to ask 🙂 a friend is travelling to the UK in 2 weeks and is willing to buy a Chanel bag for me. From what I assume tax refund can only be processed at the airport is that correct? But when he comes back to Australia he will have to declare his purchase at the Australian airport and will have to pay our 10% tax. Is there another way to proceed with this whole tax refund without having to pay back? I mean what’s the point of getting tax back one end and paying back the other end.
    I dream of the Chanel beige GHW cavier but after reading how rare Chanel stock is I have very slim hope. Especially as a bloke the guy is not going to travel all over UK to get the bag for me lol! I can’t decide between the medium and jumbo. Thanks in advance for your assistance Sassy xx

    • Hi Pax, I am never tired of hearing that this is a great website, you give me fuel to carry on. Thanks a lot!!

      I am not sure how the tax work in Australia, but I do know this:

      Chanel is cheaper in Europe compare to the retail price. Then you get 21% VAT OFF, but the Australian tax is only 10%. So you still enjoy the remaining 11%.

      VAT is tax on the product, I think what you are paying is 10% import tax or something like that. Not sales tax right? But is it really necessarily to pay the tax if you are just buying one bag? And what if you have use the bag and travel abroad and then come back to Australia, do you need to keep your receipt all the time. That’s very frustrating.

      But anyway, Europe is still cheaper than Australia.

      More, you can declare tax-refund on your last stop in an affiliate company. These companies are usually found on airports, but they are also available in cities.

      Which bag are you going to buy?

    • Thank you so much for the reply.

      I have no idea about this whole tax thing. A gf who travelled to Singapore last year bought herself 2 designer handbags. She got her tax refund at the Changi airport. When she was on a plane back to Australia she had to fill in a form and one of the question was whether she purchased any item over $2000AU. She ticked yes and customs made her pay 10% tax. She argued and said she’s already used the bags so the custom officers reduced the retail price of the bag down to 20% so tax was based on the price of the bag minus 20% if that makes sense?

      Sorry I wouldn’t have a clue if it’s import or sales tax.

      Yes I do realise bags are cheaper in Europe. Last I checked the medium classic flap in Australia is $5300AU and the jumbo is $5800AU.

      I want to get the classic flap cavier GHW in beige but don’t know if I should get the medium or jumbo.

    • I think it’s not neccesary to declare use item as in carry them as your own handbag (for ladies, guy… Errr… Not sure…:-)), just don’t flash your big Chanel shopping bag around the airport or custom. Try to discard or place them in yr suitcase.

      My $0.02 worth….


    • I am not sure if I should bring this up, but I once ordered a book cost $300 USD and the seller quoted the value of the book at $5 USD, so he didn’t need to pay high tax. :S:S:S

    • So the more the bags are used, the less value the bag has and the lower tax you need to pay.

      Do you already own a similar Chanel flap bag? or a GST? To be honest, the jumbo is just a little bigger, I would rather go for the jumbo, because you can structure your stuff more easily.

    • Thanks Michelle I’ve thought to myself I would not declare anything if I were to travel and buy a bag. However for this male friend if he didn’t declare and just shoved the bag in his suitcase would they find out somehow? I’m worried he may get a fine or criminal record which is worse than paying tax hehe.

      No Sassy I don’t have a Chanel flap bag. I do own a seasonal black Chanel bubble bag that my husband got me for my birthday last year because the Chanel classic was just too expensive. I love the size of it. It’s between the classic medium and jumbo I think 11″. As a petite shortie 158cm will the jumbo look overwhelming on me? But I don’t want to buy a small bag and get annoyed cos I can’t fit much inside.

    • jumbo might be able to fit perfectly, medium will look stunning on you for sure. But I think maxi will kill your look. I have seen people at your height carrying the jumbo and it look nice. BTW, the size between medium and jumbo is not that much, especially compare to the mmmmaxii…

    • Hi Sassy

      In the end (for now) I’ve given up on purchasing the Chanel classic flap bag. Seems too much trouble to ask someone to go through for me. I’ll definitely buy one myself when I get the chance to travel to the UK.

      On another note I traveled interstate a few days ago, went to the Chanel boutique and got myself a Chanel classic wallet in cavier 🙂

    • Pax, reading your story, I somehow understand how you feel: ‘you didn’t get the Chanel classic bag, but you decide to buy it later when you are in UK, but for now you need to get your hands on a Chanel, anything small is oke (just to feed your temporary appetite =D). So you went ahead to the boutique and treat yourself a nice Chanel classic wallet’. Love it.

      How much was it btw?

    • Yes you got me 🙂
      It was $1000AU. It’s probably a lot cheaper in the UK but if I were in the UK I’d be getting a bag not a wallet right? Hehe.

      While I was in the boutique I made the most of it and asked to see the classic flap in medium and jumbo to see how they look on me. The medium as predicted looks perfect. The jumbo is great for fitting more items inside but the chain is so heavy. The SA told me as end of financial year is approaching Chanel Replica Shopping may increase. Is that true??

    • Pax, personal experience: Don’t rely on forecast of SA’s. They are like us, they don’t know in EXACT details what Chanel is going to do next. Here are couple of proof:

      One of our member was told that the PST was discontinued in London, while I was receiving message everywhere that the PST was spotted in Texas, nice and even in Paris.

      More, Chanel rumors price increase in December 2012, February 2013, March, April, none were followed through. Chanel might increase tomorrow, who knows. But the SA expectation is not wrong either, because usually Chanel increase Replica Shopping every year. I am very suprised that Chanel is very good to us this year, maybe they heard our prayers =D

    • Hi Sassy! Hope you’ve been well

      Just wondering, would you know if I call the boutique will they accept purchases over the phone and do international shipping? It is still a cheaper option than buying it here in Australia.

      Thanks 🙂

    • Hi Pax, if that was possible, then it must be heavenly given. But unfortunartely, I am pretty sure Chanel do not ship international, but I know they do locally. If international shipment was possible, then I could order the bag in Singapore and then file tax-refund without having to go to Paris. I couldn’t follow your story, wasn’t there a friend of yours going to England to get the bag for you?

    • Hi Sassy or is it Alex? 🙂

      Long short cut short. Initial story my mate couldn’t get me the bag. But I have a friend of a friend who lives the the UK so I called the Chanel Boutique on Sloane Street and placed my order over the phone. I paid via bank transfer. Now just waiting for Chanelto ship it to the friend and she will post it to me. Yayy!! I purchased the beige medium cavier double flap gold hardware. The SA called it a “large” though so I was confused and asked for the dimensions to clear it up.

      When I receive it can I somehow still claim VAT? Thanks!!

    • Hi Pax, thanks for stopping by again =)

      WOW, amazing story. So you ship it back you Australia from London with the help of your friend. So Chanel London will not ship to Australia Actually, you were not in London, so generally speaking, you won’t get tax-advantage. And your friend is actually buying it for you, he just send it to Australia. You can get VAT-return only after you get the stamp by the customs at London Airport.

      Complicated transaction, but still worth it right?

  2. Hi,
    Im looking at chanel classic jumbo cavier ghw but i know they do have shw. So im thinking which one should i take. Is there a price difference.

    • Hi Shasha, no there is no price difference in shw or ghw, but there are times they don’t have in stock. When are you going to buy?

    • I thought of getting it ASAP… But still waiting for my friend to check on the price from Germany.
      Actually I saw someone selling it at $5950 on facebook with everything so I thought of buying from that person since is cheaper then the boutique but worry that I might get a fake one so still pondering whether to buy or not.

      I also comparing whether to get the medium or jumbo since the price is not much a difference.

      Please advise

    • I don’t think $5,950 USD (you are talking about USD right?), is not a cheap price, it’s higher than the retail price.

    • I’m talking about sgd . Guess the person bought the bag from Paris that why she can sell me at $5950

    • I understand, but is it authentic, brand-new, can you see the bag in life person. It’s not worth it to buy it online and have the 6k sgd transferred in one click.

      When you already paying more than 2/3 of the original price, I wouldn’t touch an used bag. I would go to Chanel boutique and buy it, register my name too, so that I get the best service whenever I need my bag repaired.

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