Chanel Is An Investment, Not An Expense

Sassy Rodriguez

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Chanel Is An Investment, Not An Expense

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Chanel Is An Investment, Not An Expense

You doubting whether to buy a Chanel or not? Is your finance stopping you buying one? Maybe you are thinking, $4,000? That’s too expensive, I don’t have the money. Well, I belief that is a wrong way of thinking about Chanel classic handbags. They are not like when you go shopping and buy some shoes and clothes, then three months later you are fed up with it and leave it in your closet for the next ten years.

Chanel classic flap bags are not an expense. When you buy clothes and shoes, they are an expense. Why? Let’s draw a borrowing financial calculation here out…

Scenario 1: a $100 not-so-famous-bag

Imagine you are buying a bag from the store for $100, it’s a brand bag, but not as famous as Chanel. So you bought this bag and start wearing it for two months. Then you are fed up with the bag and leave it in the closet. Three years later you don’t want that bag in your room anymore, so you decide to sell it on Ebay.

What price are you going to put on that bag?

How about $500? Or $1,000, would anyone buy it?

No, because that bag have not much value anymore, especially because you have worn it and bought it three years ago. You would probably sell it for $10.

So what is your profit? Let’s see $10 (sale price) $100 (retail price) = -$90.

Yeah girl, you just lost $90. Well that’s a good investment.

Now let’s take scenario 2: Chanel bag

Imagine you now buying a Chanel classic flap bag with golden chain and caviar LOL. You are in love, because that bag just cost you $4,000. Now because it’s that expensive, you will treat it like baby and not just a $100 bag. You make sure it doesn’t get wet when it is raining, you make sure that you put that baby right bag into its original box after using. You make sure that it’s not be exposed to the sun too much. You make sure that your baby doesn’t fall, and so on…

Now you are so happy that you decide to show your bag to your friends, which makes you MANY MUCH MORE HAPPY.

Then three years later your baby have grown up. You originally paid $4,000 for the bag and your bag is now valued at retail price $6,800. That’s a difference of $2,800, WAUW.

Because you love your baby so much, you treat it well and is still in excellent condition. The market value of this bag is not $6,000.
That’s $2,000 profit, AMAZING.

Don’t belief me?

I bought my Chanel bag three years ago. It was priced around $2,000, look at the Replica Shopping now. A Chanel classic flap bag is priced $4,400. The price have more than doubled in this short time. It’s better than buying stocks or a brand new Mercedes.

Don’t look at Chanel as an expensive bag, instead see it in another way. It’s our girl’s best friend and investment. You are like a business woman, you buy Chanel for $4,400, then you have an option to sell it for $6,800 for a profit. If your parents or boyfriend tried to talk you out, show them this calculation.

Say to them, I am going to make a $2,000 profit in my investment. Can you do that? No right? So please SSSSsssstttt and let me buy my thing alright?

I know what I am doing…

chanel are investments

Prices have been rising for 100% in 3 years, that’s 30% profit each year. And Chanel is going to raise again for 20% in February. If this continues, how much would my bag be worth.

So you have money to buy a cheap bag, but no money for Chanel? Let’s see how much you have left over in three years?

Don’t doubt and walk to Chanel boutique tomorrow. You will not regret by buying a Chanel bag, but you will regret three years later WHY you didn’t buy any of it. Aahh!! I wish I had bought it, is exactly what you will tell yourself…


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5 thoughts on “Chanel Is An Investment, Not An Expense”

  1. I agree, I bought mine in 2009! Look how the price jumped, they cost now $5k a piece, I am planning never to buy another one again, just laugh at the Replica Shopping.


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