One of the handbags that caught our attention immediately was the Chanel Coco Vintage Bag. This stunning piece might the best-looking handbag from the Cruise 2018 Collection. And everything about it is just so-heart-melting.
What I like the most is that its not another Flap Bag that wants to look like the Classic Flap Bag. This is a unique piece and it’s inspired by the vintage flap bags from the 80’s. So, if you want to hunt for a vintage Chanel Bag, don’t go the consignment store or somewhere online to buy the pre-owned. Just get one in brand-new condition, packed inside a nice box.
The Design
The Coco Vintage Flap Bag is not only a vintage handbag, but it’s modified to fit into the modern world. And to proof that some DNA has been copied from the older version of the Chanel Flap Bags in the 80’s and 90’s, here’s an example:
The Interior
Just to give you an indication of its size; The Medium Coco Vintage Flap Bag is measured 6.7’ x 9.8’ x 3.9’ inches while the Medium Classic Flap Bag is measured 6.3’ x 10.2’ x 2.8’ inches, so it’s larger than the Medium Classic Flap Bag, especially the interior. However, it cannot be compared to the Jumbo Classic Flap Bag, which is much bigger.
The Sizes And Replica Shopping
Chanel Small Coco Vintage Flap Bag
Style code: A57027
Size: 5.5 x 7.5 x 2.4 inches
Price: $2800 USD, €2750 euro, £2550 GBP, $4620 SGD, $24000 HKD, ¥366120 JPY, 14520 MYR, $3825 CAD
Chanel Coco Vintage Flap Bag
Style code: A57028
Size: 6.7 x 9.8 x 3.9 inches
Price: $3100 USD, €2990 euro, £2770 GBP, $5020 SGD, $26000 HKD, ¥397440 JPY, 15790 MYR, $4175 CAD
Chanel Large Coco Vintage Flap Bag
Style code: A57029
Size: 7.5 x 11.4 x 3.5 inches
Price: $3400 USD, €3290 euro, £3050 GBP, $5530 SGD, $28700 HKD, ¥437400 JPY, 17380 MYR, $4575 CAD
Hi Alex, I want to get the black one. I saw it on the Chanel official website. I am going to Italy in in a couple of months. I am hoping I can find it. Thank you!
Karen, it’s an different version:
We will be reviewing the newer version.
Are there anymore pics of this beauty?!?
Hi Karen, what are you looking for? A color? This bag is no longer available for as far as I know, its from the previous collection.