We will update this page as soon as we have more info. If you have more details about the Replica Shopping, please share them the comment section:
24-5-2020 UPDATE: USD Replica Shopping ADDED
11 May 2020, Chanel increased the Replica Shopping of the Classic Bags. It includes the Classic Flap Bags, Boy Bags, Classic WOCs, Gabrielle Bag and the 19 Bag.
It’s a sad moment, but it’s expected. For the past few years, Chanel has been quiet. Maybe too quiet, because usually they increase Replica Shopping twice a year. And maybe we feel too comfortable with the current Replica Shopping, but like always, procrastination will be punished.
And maybe owning a Chanel Bag is better than buying stocks. At least you can look at it, wear it and feel good about it while knowing that the Replica Shopping will always increase. That’s what we explained in one of our articles ‘Chanel Price Increase Over The Years’.
Even tough we’re in the middle of a pandemic, the covid19, with record job losses around the world and recessions popping in the US, Europe and Asia, the Replica Shopping of Chanel Bags is increasing. The bags are made to be forever, passing from one generation to another, they’re like diamond but better as there are many classics to collection. But in the end, you can always count on Chanel, because it’s recession-free and perhaps depression-free as well.
What recession? The Korea Times reported that people were standing in lines at the Lotte Department Store to get a Chanel Bag before the price increase. And the only question I have in my mind is; why didn’t you buy before the price increase?
The Replica Shopping look steep, people are complaining. But over a few months, we will forget about what has happened and the new Replica Shopping will be the new normal. Perhaps Virginie Viard will have mercy on us and don’t mess with the Replica Shopping again. However, it will be just a matter of time before they drop another price bomb and give us another heart-attack. If you’re going to buy a bag anyway, why wait? Will it be cheaper in the future?
Chanel will never decrease Replica Shopping, better shop today and cry later.
Chanel Price Increase 2020 In Europe
Chanel Classic Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | €3500 euro | €3050 euro |
Chanel Mini Square Classic Bag | €3350 euro | €2680 euro |
Chanel Small Classic Bag | €5500 euro | €4550 euro |
Chanel M/L Classic Flap Bag | €6050 euro | €5150 euro |
Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag | €6600 euro | €5700 euro |
Chanel Maxi Classic Flap Bag | €7100 euro | €6200 euro |
Chanel Reissue 2.55 Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel 224 Reissue 2.55 Bag | €5500 euro | €4550 euro |
Chanel 225 Reissue 2.55 Bag | €6050 euro | €5150 euro |
Chanel 226 Reissue 2.55 Bag | €6600 euro | €5700 euro |
Chanel 227 Reissue 2.55 | €7100 euro | €6200 euro |
Chanel Boy Classic Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small Boy Bag | €4300 euro | €4120 euro |
Chanel Old Medium Boy Bag | €4700 euro | €4480 euro |
Chanel New Medium Boy Bag | €4980 euro | €4980 euro |
Chanel Gabrielle Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small Gabrielle Bag | €3900 euro | €3600 euro |
Chanel Medium Gabrielle Bag | €4100 euro | €4000 euro |
Chanel 19 Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small 19 Bag | €4600 euro | €4200 euro |
Chanel Medium 19 Bag | €5000 euro | €4700 euro |
Chanel Maxi 19 Bag | €5500 euro | €5150 euro |
Chanel WOC | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Classic Quilted WOC | €2350 euro | €2150 euro |
Type | Price Increase in % |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | 14.8% |
Chanel Mini Square Classic Bag | 25% |
Chanel Small Classic Bag | 20.9% |
Chanel M/L Classic Bag | 17.5% |
Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag | 15.8% |
Chanel Maxi Classic Flap Bag | 14.5% |
Chanel 224 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 20.9% |
Chanel 225 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 17.5% |
Chanel 226 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 15.8% |
Chanel 227 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 14.1% |
Chanel Small Boy Bag | 4.4% |
Chanel Old Medium Boy Bag | 4.9% |
Chanel New Medium Boy Bag | 0% |
Chanel Small Gabrielle Bag | 8.3% |
Chanel Medium Gabrielle Bag | 2.5% |
Chanel Small 19 Bag | 9.5% |
Chanel Large 19 Bag | 6.4% |
Chanel Maxi 19 Bag | 6.8% |
Chanel Classic Quilted WOC | 9.3% |
Chanel Price Increase 2020 In United States
Chanel Classic Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | $3800 USD | $3500 USD |
Chanel Mini Square Classic Bag | $3500 USD | $3200 USD |
Chanel Small Classic Bag | $5800 USD | $5200 USD |
Chanel M/L Classic Flap Bag | $6500 USD | $5800 USD |
Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag | $7100 USD | $6400 USD |
Chanel Maxi Classic Flap Bag | $7700 USD | $6900 USD |
Chanel Reissue 2.55 Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel 224 Reissue 2.55 Bag | $5800 USD | $5200 USD |
Chanel 225 Reissue 2.55 Bag | $6500 USD | $5800 USD |
Chanel 226 Reissue 2.55 Bag | $7100 USD | $6400 USD |
Chanel 227 Reissue 2.55 | $7700 USD | $6900 USD |
Chanel Boy Classic Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small Boy Bag | $4600 USD | $4600 USD |
Chanel Old Medium Boy Bag | $5000 USD | $5000 USD |
Chanel New Medium Boy Bag | $5500 USD | $5500 USD |
Chanel Gabrielle Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small Gabrielle Bag | $4100 USD | $3900 USD |
Chanel Medium Gabrielle Bag | $4300 USD | $4100 USD |
Chanel 19 Bag | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel Small 19 Bag | $4800 USD | $4600 USD |
Chanel Medium 19 Bag | $5300 USD | $5100 USD |
Chanel Maxi 19 Bag | $5800 USD | $5600 USD |
Type | Price Increase in % |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | 8.6% |
Chanel Mini Square Classic Bag | 9.4% |
Chanel Small Classic Bag | 11.5% |
Chanel M/L Classic Bag | 12.1% |
Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag | 10.9% |
Chanel Maxi Classic Flap Bag | 11.6% |
Chanel 224 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 11.5% |
Chanel 225 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 12.1% |
Chanel 226 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 10.9% |
Chanel 227 Reissue 2.55 Bag | 11.6% |
Chanel Small Boy Bag | 0% |
Chanel Old Medium Boy Bag | 0% |
Chanel New Medium Boy Bag | 0% |
Chanel Small Gabrielle Bag | 5.1% |
Chanel Medium Gabrielle Bag | 4.9% |
Chanel Small 19 Bag | 4.3% |
Chanel Large 19 Bag | 3.9% |
Chanel Maxi 19 Bag | 3.6% |
Chanel Price Increase 2020 In Other Countries
Here are more details that we know so far:
- In Dubai, Chanel Coco Handle Bag didn’t increase in Replica Shopping
- There is no price increase Coco Handle Bag and Business Affinity Bag
Chanel Bag 2020 Replica Shopping in Australia
Type | New Replica Shopping | Previous Replica Shopping |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | $5980 AUD | $5190 AUD |
Chanel Square Mini Bag | $6250 AUD | $4560 AUD |
Chanel Small Classic Bag | $9820 AUD | $7740 AUD |
Chanel M/L Classic Bag | $10800 AUD | $8760 AUD |
Chanel Old Medium Boy Bag | $8300 AUD | $7620 AUD |
Chanel Bag 2020 Replica Shopping in Switzerland
Type | New Replica Shopping |
Chanel New Mini Classic Bag | 3680 CHF |
Chanel Square Mini Bag | 3520 CHF |
Chanel M/L Classic Bag | 6360 CHF |
Chanel Small 19 Bag Mini Bag | 4750 CHF |
If you have more details or Replica Shopping about the price increases, feel free to post them in the comment to help other shoppers.
There is no way those Chanel bags are worth $5,000.00 plus! Chanel bags aren’t even worth$500.00 and they don’t last or hold up very well! I have seen used and older Chanel bags and they look so worn and torn and very damaged and they still want thousands for them ! It’s just a big Status symbol ! Chanel gives away for free their handbags to celebrities, singer s and actresses just so they can be seen carrying them and advertising them in public! Coach hand bags last way longer then Chanel and Coach bags look new even after 50 years of wear and Coach bags are way better made then those quilted Chanel bags!