‘For example; you want to purchase a Chanel bag in Italy and the retail price is €5000 euro. Italy has a cash transaction limit of €2999,99 euro, you cannot pay the full price in cash. You need to pay with other options like credit card.’The cash transaction limit is a regulation or law set by the country’s government. The objective is to limit money laundry and terrorist financing activities.
From cash to digital
Use cash a payment is very popular, especially in Asia but also Germany. Cash provides privacy because no one can know where you’ve spent the money. However, cash can be risky. Imagine carrying 4000 euro on the street. Pickpockets might know that you’re tourist, it’s just less safe.Nowadays using digital for payments has become the new normal. It also provides the government more control.Europe cash transaction limit
Country | Citizen | Tourist |
France | €1000 | €10000* |
Spain | €2500 | €15000 |
Netherlands | No limits | No limits |
Germany | No limits | No limits |
Belgium | €3000 | €3000 |
Greece | €1500 | €1500 |
United Kingdom | No limits | No limits |
Italy | €2999,99 | €2999,99 |
Austria | No limits | No limits |
Denmark | No limits | No limits |
Hungary | No limits | No limits |
Ireland | No limits | No limits |
Luxembourg | No limits | No limits |
Portugal | €1000 | €1000 |
Sweden | No limits | No limits |
*In France, when the payment is more than €1000 in cash, then proof of identity is required.
Citizen vs Foreigners
Sometimes the rules are different for citizens and tourists (or people with permanent resident outside the country). Usually the law is less strict for tourists. For example, in France the cash transaction limit for citizen is €1000 euro while tourist can spend up to €10000 euro’s.Special rules for tourists
Tourist can spend more in cash, but there are sometimes special regulations in place. Let’s get back to the France as an example. A tourist can spend up to 10.000 euro, but when the cash transfer is more than 1000 euro, they are required to show proof of identity.List of other countries with cash transaction limits
Country | Citizen | Tourist |
United States | * | |
Singapore | No Limits | No Limits |
Singapore | No Limits | No Limits |
Japan | No Limits | No Limits |
Czech Republic | 350000 CZK per day | 350000 CZK per day |
Switzerland | 100000 CHF** | 100000 CHF |
*In the US, cash transactions excess of $10000 USD must be reported on CTR (currency transaction report),the indentity of the person as well as the source of the cash.**In Switzerland, retailers are required to confirm ID and need to report cash transactions over 100000 CHF ($104000 USD) when they deem to be suspicious.If you have more information about cash limit transaction or we’re missing something, let us know in the comment section so we can get this article up to date.Disclaimer: we’ve done our best to provide the latest information. Please use it as a guide
Hello, it has changed the cash limit in Italy, it’s 1999,99 now!