Balenciaga Classic City Bags VS Balenciaga Part-time

Sassy Rodriguez

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Balenciaga Classic City Bags VS Balenciaga Part-time

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Balenciaga Classic City Bags VS Balenciaga Part-time


Balenciaga City Bag


Balenciaga Part-time Bag

Are you having some trouble on deciding whether to buy a Balenciaga City bag or Part-time bag? Well look no further for help on your decision. When you put the bags together they look alike, so I can see why it’s a hard choice. Both bags are just delicious. The problem occurs when you can only choose one. So which one is right for you?

The Balenciaga City Bag and Part-time bag are both beautiful bags whose design is almost identical. The Replica Shopping of these beauties are also quite similar, so price isn’t really a big element when deciding which one to choose. So how do we choose?

Before you buy one of the aforementioned bags, take some time to really contemplate on it. What if you decide to buy the Part-time but, end up wanting the City Bag a few weeks later? Consider some of these key differences of the bags, to help you decide.

Differences between the Balenciaga City Bags and Part-time Bags
Pay attention to the height of the City Bag. You’ll notice that it is a bit taller than the Part-time bag. However, the Part-time Bag is wider than the City Bag. This particular difference in size is the main contrast of the two.
The Balenciaga City Bag is 17” x 8.5” x 7”. The Balenciaga Part-time Bag is 15” x 9.5” x 5.5”.
The leather is shouldn’t really be a factor when deciding between the two. They both come in lambskin and both linings are black cotton canvas.

Making a Choice Based on Design
Both bags have a unique element to them that matches a certain style or look. For example, the Balenciaga City Bag is a little taller so it’s a bit more ideal for shopping. If you want something like that then by all means choose the City Bag. The Part-time Bag is more ideal for on-the-go or work day use because it’s a bit shorter. It’s something to think about.

If you ladies have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to share them. Which would you decide?


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