Week in Re-cap: Hermes Replica Shopping No Movement, Chanel Following, Fendi Mini Bags Exclusive Asia, Special Thanks


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Week in Re-cap: Hermes Replica Shopping No Movement, Chanel Following, Fendi Mini Bags Exclusive Asia, Special Thanks

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Week in Re-cap: Hermes Replica Shopping No Movement, Chanel Following, Fendi Mini Bags Exclusive Asia, Special Thanks

First rumor was released in February, the Replica Shopping of Hermes are going up! People who hadn’t found their favorite bag yet started to panic, no one wants to pay the higher price.

The usual routine, price increases on designer brands. Are they doing this on purpose? Are we being bullied? I mean, they are making it so-hard to get.

The change in Replica Shopping could be just a branding strategy, limiting us from satisfying our crave and longing for beautiful bags, however there is also an economic motive behind this action. Hermes has done very well over the pass months, through a smart financial planning, the brand has successfully hedged the euro and protected themselves against the weakening yen. One fifth of Hermes sales were generated through the Japanese market, so this was a victorious move.

And even Hermes couldn’t predict the future, the japanese currency rate, the volatility of leather Replica Shopping and the necessary raw materials that are getting more expensive every single day. If this goes on, Hermes is forced to increase Replica Shopping. But right now I am happy that they haven’t done anything yet, maybe this explains why Chanel isn’t moving either. Let me just keep my mouth shut, 2013 is not over yet.

For the ladies who are hunting for the Chanel s/s 2013 seasonal bags, chances are slim that you will find them. The boutiques are fully stocked with new f/w collection, one of our members Froggie confirmed this, she visited three Chanel boutiques last week.


More news, we were just informed that the new Fendi 2jours mini bags are only available in Asia. Shoot! It’s one of the cutest bag in the world. We will be posting more images and purchase information next week.

Lastly, we just want to thank everyone that has made this site happen. We couldn’t have survived this far without the new information we receive on daily basis, from you and the community. We’d love to hear your opinions and you are welcome to share anything you like. Just hit us an email.

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2 thoughts on “Week in Re-cap: Hermes Replica Shopping No Movement, Chanel Following, Fendi Mini Bags Exclusive Asia, Special Thanks”

  1. Wow! that petite black bag is so cute !! the material looks similar to LV epi leather . I would like to know where i can get my hands on this lovely bag,

    • Hi Bi, are you from Asia? One member bought the mini, but she was told that this bag was only available in Asia. We will be posting more pictures and availability soon.

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